Page 56 of Almost Married

“Don’t worry about him,” Mandy replied. “Let’s get you some good press.”

“Forget it,” Griff said. “Just take us back to the hotel.”

An ominous click sounded and a gun appeared, wavering between her and Griff. Steph’s heart stopped and then lurched forward.

“Mandy, calm down,” Griff said gently.

“No one loves you more than I do,” Mandy said.

The gun pointed at Steph. It was shaking as they were still speeding down the street. Omigod, Steph was gonna die in the back of a limo with the one man she’d hoped never to see again. This would be the last thing she saw—Griff, the limo, the white bench seat, psycho Mandy’s gun. There would be no family left for Joey. Her marriage really would be until death do us part.

“Call Dave and tell him you’re not feeling well,” Mandy said.

Steph pulled out her cell and made the call, knowing it would go to voicemail.

“Put the gun away,” Griff said. “We’re all friends here.”

The gun wavered between them. “You think I won’t shoot you, Griff?” Mandy asked. “If you die young, you’re a rock legend. I’d be doing you a favor. Like Elvis.”

“Now, sugar, you know I could never be like Elvis,” Griff returned smoothly. “He was the King.”

“Then I’ll shoot her,” Mandy said with a laugh. “Then you’ll be free.”

“I’m already free, sweetheart,” Griff said. “Let’s make this a real pretty picture with me and Steph at the restaurant. We could be smiling or fighting, your call. But you’ll get the exclusive.”

The gun disappeared from view, and the window rolled back up. Steph’s hands shook so badly she dropped her phone.

Griff pulled her into his arms and held her tight. “I’ll get the gun as soon as we park,” he whispered. “I won’t let you die.”

She nodded, her teeth chattering. Griff tucked her head under his chin, his arms protectively around her, and she clung to him, wishing she’d stayed home. She couldn’t stop shaking. She knew Griff wouldn’t want the cops involved. That would be bad publicity after his stint in jail, but she didn’t care. This was life or death. What if Griff didn’t get the gun before Mandy shot him? How far would Mandy go? Would she shoot them both and take off? Maybe she’d just shoot Steph if she wanted Griff to herself.

She untangled herself from Griff’s embrace. If she was going to die, it wouldn’t be in his arms. She picked up her phone and held it hidden in her hand.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“It’s this new place,” he said. “The Poppy. Sounds pretty good now, huh?”

Yes, eating dinner with my idiot husband sounds lots better than getting killed by a psycho.

She nodded and looked out the window, biding her time. She wanted Griff’s attention off her. When she felt enough time had passed that he wasn’t completely focused on her anymore, she pressed her cell, intent on dialing 911, when Griff’s hand shot out and closed over hers. They had a brief battle over the cell, but he was stronger and wrenched it out of her grasp.

“No cops,” he said, tucking the cell into his back pocket.

She glared at him. “If I die, I will never forgive you.”

He snorted. “If you die, I will never forgive myself. But calling the cops is just going to make her unstable.”

“She’s already unstable,” Steph hissed.

“I can handle her.”

She lunged for the cell, but he wrestled her away, pinning her flat on her back on the bench seat, her arms pinned at her sides. She struggled to no effect. “If we get through this, I seriously want to kill you.”

He gave her his innocent choirboy face. “How is this my fault?”

“You’re the one that lured me backstage, got rid of my boyfriend, got me into the limo—”

“Didn’t you ever hear you shouldn’t take candy from strangers?”

“This isn’t funny.”

“Do you trust me?”

“Hmm, let me think. No!”

“Steph, you know when the shit goes down I come through. Wasn’t I there for you and Joey when your mother died?”