“Not the cock,” I said, “the balls. My other Khetar told me about that, though I hadn’t really believed him.”
Bartender’s face soured a bit when I mentioned mysecondlover, but she recovered quickly. “It seems strange that something so big and strong would have such a clearly obvious weakness.”
“It’s only fair,” I said, but I was walking up toward Tschenkar, and Bartender lagged behind me. She seemed afraid of the pirate, or maybe she was just afraid to see what Tschenkar was about to do to him.
I was afraid of both too, but I was more afraid that Tschenkar would do the thing he’d mentioned, where he ripped the man’s dick off and shoved it up his ass. If he was going to do that, we needed to at least find out where Ski Coach Cleopatra was first.
“Tschenkar!” I shouted, “don’t kill him yet!”
The painful wails eased up, and Tschenkar looked back over at me.
“Ask him where Cleopatra is!”
His big body was blocking the pirate, and I realized that I still hadn’t seen a human male up close. The one who snuck up behind us was too far away, but now I was going to see one face-to-face.
Bartender must have been in a similar spot, because she’d stopped several paces behind us, and she wasn’t in any rush to get closer.
“Is it safe for us to get closer?” I asked.
“You’re always safe with me, Love,” Tschenkar said, and then he kicked the pirate’s balls.
The pirate curled up into a ball, and that’s how I first saw him. It was strange, seeing a human male for the first time. My entire concept of maleness and masculinity had been formed by the Khetar, specifically from Thuliak and Tschenkar. If I had seen this human man a few months ago, back before I’d been Airlock Eve on that mission, maybe I would have felt something very different, but seeing the injured man curled up in the fetal position in the snow, whimpering and begging for his life, he barely looked like a real man. I doubted even that if I saw a non-rapist, non-pirate human male, one that was in good health and standing tall with his chest out and shoulders back, it still probably wouldn’t do anything for me.
Khetar were men. Human males were…something less to me now.
“Where is she!” Tschenkar growled as he cocked his boot back for another kick to the balls.
The pirate had a big beard, but it was covered in snot which had frozen over. Tears stained his face, which was blood-red from the cold. His arm looked broken from the way it hung limply at his side, but he was wearing a thick—and dirty—coat which obscured the full extent of the damage. He’d been wearing a hat, but it had fallen off when Tschenkar kicked him. Underneath he had hair, but it didn’t cover all of his head. His hair just went around the back and sides of his head in a thin strip, and it was entirely bald on the top. Did all human men not have a full head of hair? Or did this one have some unfortunate condition?
He held both hands up. “Please! I’ll talk! Just don’t hit my balls again. Please, man! She’s back a ways. We tied her up.”
“Did you touch her?” Tschenkar asked.
“No! Not me at least! We were saving her for our captain. He’s…”
The pirate bit his lip and got quiet.
“I was only kicking your bollocks,” Tschenkar said, “to get you started. The finishing move is going to be doing to you what you did to those women.”
His eyes got wide. “You’re going to fuck me?” He looked down at Tschenkar’s crotch, and he trembled in fear. He must have already seen how big Khetar were.
“No,” Tschenkar said, pulling the knife out of my hand. “You’re going to fuck yoursel—”
He didn’t even finish the sentence. The pirate started talking. “Captain Ironcock went with a group of four men. They went north, toward the pass to Ginsburg. They were looking for more supplies, because our ship got damaged on entry, and we barely had any weapons or ammo. The other woman is right back there,” he pointed with a trembling finger behind him. “She’s tied up…I swearIdidn’t touch her.”
“Who did?” Tschenkar growled. “And what did he do?”
He pointed around at the destruction of the trees. “One of the guys under there might have squeezed her tits. And Big Balls back there,” he pointed to the guy the plasma bubble had melted, “might have kissed her.”
“You’ll have to pay for their crimes,” Tschenkar said, “when will Captain Ironcock return?”
The pirate shook his head. “I don’t know! I swear I don’t know! All our shit was damaged. We had no comms! He should have been back by now. Big Balls was gunning to become captain, but I said we had to keep our hands off the girl, because the real Captain would be back any day now…”
“Do you still believe that?” Tschenkar asked, bringing the knife closer to his crotch.
“Not really!” He screeched. “I was just afraid, man. I’m low on the totem pole. I was just, like, a maintenance guy on the ship. I never really wanted to rape anyone! I just wanted to sell some virgins off to one of the planets in the Oligarchy!”
“And what exactly did you think the Oligarchs would do to her?”