The pirate’s eyes got wild. He could tell he was on borrowed time. “If you trace every action down the line…eventually some evil shit will happen. I need to eat! I was born into the pirate fleet, it’s not like I had other career prospects!”
Maybe he was telling the truth? Maybe he really was so low on the chain of command that they never let him touch any of the women? Still, I doubted it, and Tschenkar seemed to believe him even less.
“Take your clothes off,” Tschenkar growled.
The pirate’s eyes widened, then froze. “Man, are you—”
“Off! Or I take your cock off with them!” Tschenkar kicked the wretched man’s ribs, and he wept as he started pulling his shirt off.
Once he was fully naked, I couldn’t help but stare at his cock, not because it looked good, but because it was so small and pathetic looking.
I caught Bartender’s gaze, and she seemed to be thinking the same thing.
“It’s cold!” the pirate whimpered. “Of course it’s not going to look big in the cold.”
“Lead us to the girl,” Tschenkar growled, poking at his back withSlaughtering Eve.
He marched naked through the snow, though Tschenkar let him keep his boots on, probably because he wouldn’t have made it too far without them. The human man had hair all over his back, and even on his butt. Next to the perfect sculpture that was Tschenkar and Thuliak’s alien forms, this man looked like a barely evolved ape. I hadn’t realized how lucky I was to be with two Khetar until I’d seen a nude human male.
Soon we entered a clearing littered with makeshift tents, the remnants of a fire, and Ski Coach Cleopatra tied to a post, her hands tied tight behind her back. She even had a gag on her face, and she started shaking and letting out muffled cries when she spotted the three of us.
Ski Coach ran toward her as Tschenkar kept the makeshift weapon pointed at the pirate. I hesitated, unsure of whether to stay with Tschenkar or go check on Cleopatra. I decided to keep my eyes open, watching for any kind of trap. Tschenkar had better vision than me, but he also had his hands full with the weapon and the hostage.
“Thank Goddess!” Cleopatra’s voice gasped. “I thought I was…”
Bartender Julia was behind Cleopatra now, struggling with the ropes. “Tschenkar, help me out here!”
Tschenkar shoved the hostage forward, then ordered him to crouch down on his knees in the snow. “Apologize to her.”
“Him!” Cleopatra said, jabbing a finger at him. “He…he…touchedme.”
Tschenkar roared. It all happened fast.Slaughtering Evecrushed against the hostage’s head. Blood stained the snow, and a barely masculine scream filled the clearing. Tschenkar had his knife out, and he handed it to Cleopatra. “Take your revenge.”
Cleopatra looked down at the knife and laughed nervously. “You want me to…to kill him?”
“To cut his cock off,” Tschenkar said. “I’ll shove it in his arse if you don’t want to do that part.”
I put a hand on Tschenkar. “Just kill him. Do it quickly.”
Cleopatra nodded, handing the knife back to Tschenkar. Tschenkar studied the knife in his hand, then looked at the hostage curled up in a fetal position, muttering something about how sorry he was.
“It’s too good a death for him,” Tschenkar said.
“None of us want to see his dick get cut off, Tschenkar,” Bartender said. “I don’t know if it’s because we’re women, or because we’re human, but we don’t do that. At least on Eden we don’t.”
Without hesitation, Tschenkar plunged the knife down into the hostage’s chest. He twitched for a few moments, then he stopped moving. Tschenkar pulled the knife out, then wiped it clean on the dead pirate’s clothes.
“It’s done,” he said, “now let’s check their camp for useful supplies.”