“Yeah, basically. Well, my pussy too, but only in relation to your cock.”

“Go back in there,” he said, “and—”

“No way!”

“Then I will go in.”

“Fine. Fine. I’ll go in. What am I looking for?”

“Many of these women may be native to these foothills. They were all athletic enough to be doing the ’ski’ sport you’ve explained to me. It’s likely that a few of them could know the best way through the pass, or even a shortcut.”

“Okay, fine, I’ll go ask.”

I didn’t want to do it, but I walked back in. I’d only been gone for ten minutes, but everyone was still there. It had turned into a big gossip party, where every woman broke up into smaller groups to discuss the overload of information I’d just dropped onto them about Khetar cocks. How did this new information they’d learned from me line up with all previous gossip they’d ever heard on the subject? They’d go through and compare notes with each other, for as long as it took. Or until they got more new juicy info. Until Sex Teacher Eve opened her mouth again.

The silence hit hard when they saw me, but it ended just as soon. I pleaded with them, saying I just needed some time with humans. With women. I asked them to treat me like a normal person, to let me mingle, to hang out. To have a drink.

They were all drinking. The lodge had been well-stocked, apparently. As they got drunker, it got easier to dodge their questions. And I had questions of my own too.

I asked if any of them had seen Emissary Eve or Weapons Sojourner, but they told me no one had come through since the fighting had started in orbit. Once the fighting started, they’d decided to hole up here until it was safe. Most of them had started fantasizing about a big group of naked, teal-skinned Khetar coming to rescue them, but since Tschenkar arrived, those fantasies had shifted purple. I was understanding now why Tschenkar hadn’t wanted to be Fifth. Having his pack show up in the flesh early on would prime the women to plug that color into their fantasies. And the gossip about purple cocks would spread like wildfire.

According to the women, not only had no new women stopped by the lodge, but dozens had left since the fighting started.

I did find a few women who fit Tschenkar’s criteria. I also decided that I wanted no more than two women going with us, primarily because two women lusting after my man was the most I could comfortably handle. I knew from experience with Weapons and Emissary that they’d calm down after some time, especially after they became friends with me and understood that Tschenkar was mine. I could befriend two women a lot faster than I could five.

I settled on Ski Coach Cleopatra and Bartender Julia. Ski Coach was, as her name implied, a Ski Coach, but she also coached snowboarding as well. She’d lived in and around the pass for the last two decades, and she loved hiking—especially when it was cold.

Bartender worked here as a bartender, but she was being modest, because she also owned the bar. She mentioned that she had a car, which was the main reason I’d chosen her.

I’d worried about the best way of persuading them to come with me, but both volunteered almost instantly, and I realized it was because coming with me meant getting to be near Tschenkar.

“He’s mine,” I reminded them.

Ski Coach smiled wide. “We know! We know! Total respect from our end. I promise. It’s just, being around one, it’s going to make us more prepared to get our own. You know?”

I nodded. “Okay. Just don’t touch him. Or ever look at him naked. Ever.”

They nodded now, but both were frowning.

I took them outside to meet Tschenkar. I introduced both, blocking them from even touching him to shake hands.

“Where is the car” Tschenkar asked.

“It’s hidden,” Bartender Julia said.

Private cars were rare on Eden. Because of the way the terraforming cores ran, populations were all clustered in concentrated areas, and building cities for cars made very little sense in these circumstances. Julia had a car because she owned a business in a remote location, and she mentioned she traveled often between her bar and a restaurant she owned in Ginsburg.

We all followed Julia through the snowy night. I’d just been celebrating the fact that the Khetar were calling me “Engineer,” and seeing that I was better for a lot more than breeding, but now that I was with my kind again, I clung to Tschenkar, and I didn’t give two kittens if they knew I was a skilled Engineer. I just wanted them to know that Tschenkar had claimed me.

“You really have another one?” Ski Coach Cleopatra whispered to me.

I nodded. “You will too. They need three.”

“Wow. Just wow,” she said, licking her lips so frantically that some saliva pooled at the corner of her lip. She was pretty, and she had big full lips. She’d make two Khetar very happy.

“I couldn’t tell anyone about the car,” Julia said, “because so many women were leaving. They were leaving on foot, and if I mentioned I had a car, it would have meant as many women as could fit in it would have forced me to hand it over. So I had to keep it secret.”

“You made the right call!” Julia said, voice very perky.