When they were nearly on top of him, he grabbed the one who had come at him first, and he held the sharp Buckjack antler to her throat, hostage style.

The women stopped.

“Please!” one shouted. “We saw what you look like naked. Weneedyour cock!”

Tschenkar gripped tighter to the hostage. “My cock,” he shouted, “belongs to that woman and that woman alone!” He pointed toward me. “I am scion of the packship…” he trailed off. “I am scion of theHarbingers, a pack of Khetar that is allied with Thuliak’s pack, whose teal-skinned cocks you may have seen on those very large holograms. I assure you, Thuliak’s cock is nowhere near so large in real life. Mine, however—”

“Tschenkar!” I shouted.

He cleared his throat. “What I meant to say is, my pack’s cocks are better, so keep your eyes out for more purple-skinned Khetar. They are all seeking women, so what I’d do is, I’d lock yourselves back up here where it’s safe, and wait for more Khetar to arrive. If you run into a group from my pack, they’ll fuck you all good and proper, now, if I release this one, will you all promise to leave me alone and respect that I belong to Engineer Eve?”

I walked around the women, some looked at me like they wanted to murder me, but soon I was again by Tschenkar’s side.

Tschenkar let go of the hostage, shoving her forward toward the other women. “Go!” he growled.

She looked back at him. “Please! Cut my throat if you have to, butpleasejust touch me again!”

I closed my eyes, and I tried—through a blinding jealousy I’d never felt in my life—to remind myself that they were feeling exactly what I did the first time I saw Thuliak in that airlock. They weren’t thinking logically. They were being tainted in the flesh for the very first time.

“He’s not lying,” I said. “There were over thirty-thousand Khetar in orbit, but more are coming…”

If the other packs can navigate here without the Hivemind. Or maybe the Hivemind works everywhere but here? Either way, I was hiding a lot from these women, but I needed to get them under control. For everyone’s safety, because if one of these bitches touched Tschenkar, I’d be the one using the Buckjack antler.

“They want you,” I said, “all of you. They will take you. They will do everything you’ve imagined they’d do to you, and then they’ll do countless other things you’ve never imagined.” I was talking like I was trading gossip, but my gossip was like solid gold. I was a woman with a Khetar, one who proudly proclaimed to all of them that his cockbelongedto me. I was basically like Goddess to them. “You have to be patient though. In time, you will all have not just one Khetar, but two.”

I had to get Tschenkar to leave. I sent him to hunt, while I holed up in one of the lodges with the women.

They surrounded me and grilled me with questions. As I struggled to answer them as well as I could, more and more women showed up, and I’d have to keep repeating questions that had all ben answered multiple times already. The biggest one was “Where is the Khetar?” and “Can I see the Khetar?”

Probably the worst part of all was that all of the women in this lodge said the word “peepee” instead of cock.

“When his peepee goes in your kitty,” one of the women asked, “does it stay hard the whole time?”

“Yes,” I said, “next question.”

“Does it hurt?”

Another woman hissed at her. “She’s answered that like six times already! Sex Teacher Eve, do you have your orgasm before he shoots all the hot stuff into your kitty, or does it happen while he’s shooting you up.”

“Okay,” I said, “I’m going to have to end the questions for tonight. I’ll answer more in the morning.”

Or maybe we could just sneak out. Maybe we could leave in the middle of the night so that I never have to answer embarrassing questions from confused virgins ever again.

“Thank you, Sex Teacher Eve,” one woman said, “one last question, please, what is the best way to make their peepees feel good?”

I closed my eyes and sighed. “You’ll know what to do. I promise, you can’t mess this up. So just, um, trust your kittens.”

I cringed at having to say that, but they finally let me leave. Tschenkar must have spotted me through the darkness with his sharp eyesight, because he was on top of me within a few minutes of walking outside.

“They’ll be safe here,” he said. “What skills did they have?”


“Skills,” he said. “Do any of them have useful skills?”

“I was Sex Teacher Eve. I spent every last second in there taking about your cock. They call it a peepee.”

He grinned. “You spoke only of my cock?”