“How about just dropping the charges?”

“Good thing I haven’t officially charged her.” Trevor led him down to the jail cells.

“I can’t believe you put her in a cell,” Alex said.

“Sometimes kids need a little fear struck into them. I had the feeling that’s all she needed. And if you think you can handle her...”

Alex had no idea. “I can.” God, help me.

Alex couldn’t just leave her here without at least talking to her. This was urgent, and he needed to deal with it and help her if he could. As for Mackenzie ... God, please let me talk to Mackenzie again. You know the time and the place. He had no idea what that conversation would look like. Regardless, he hoped for her sake that there were no repercussions from the Nebulous 2.0 cyberchaos.

He paused outside of the entrance to the cells where Shelby was being held. “I need to make a call first.”

Trevor crossed his arms and nodded. “I’ll be waiting right here.”

Alex stepped a few yards back down the hallway to make the call on his cell.

She answered.

“Hi, Mom.”

“Hey, Alex. Are you okay? I heard the news about an explosion at Hanstech. A bomb or something. Did you hear about that? What is this world coming to?”

“Uh, yeah. I heard about it. Listen, Mom, I have some news for you. It’s going to feel like a bomb.” He squeezed his eyes shut. Should he open this door? But the door had been opened, and he had a feeling his mother was well aware of the past. He’d prefer that his mother be prepared to meet Shelby—Alex’s half sister.

“Well, what is it?”

Moisture erupted on his palms. He didn’t really want to do this now over the phone, but he had to leave town. This could be painful for Mom. But not telling her would be equally painful when she found out. Besides, Alex had a feeling he would need an entire family, his family—yes, that included Ron—to encourage and help Shelby, if she would accept their help at all. She needed love.

“I have a sister. She’s here in town.” He held his breath, waiting for her response.

Seconds ticked by, and he released it before she answered.

“I knew your father had an affair, yes, with Camille Colton, twenty-one years ago. I didn’t learn about it until fifteen years ago, though, and we argued and tensions were high. Then he died in the avalanche. I’m sorry ... I didn’t think it was your business, but more than that, I didn’t want you to be disappointed in him or hurt by it.”

But I have a sister! He bit back his angry retort. “But you also knew he had a child with her.”

Tear-choked words filled the line. “I didn’t know, I swear.”

Oh ... Mom...

“What’s her name?”

“Shelby ... Shelby Colton. And she needs a family.”