Mackenzie rode in the passenger seat of Nora’s Lexus. It was already past 10:00 p.m. when they left Carson. Because of a severe concussion, he would remain in the hospital for overnight observation. Carson had apparently been conducting his own investigation, including tracking Nora for her protection. Carson had a degree in accounting and investment banking, but he also headed up the cybersecurity department for a company in the financial sector before coming to Hanstech. He discovered Mackenzie’s rogue access point and went down to the servers to remove it when he came upon William, who Tasered him. When he fell, he struck his head on the corner of a server rack, knocking him unconscious.

Poor guy. She’d had Carson all wrong and should have suspected Nebulous 2.0 would be framing all sorts of people in his mad revenge scheme. She stared out the window and watched the dark forests of Montana go by. She imagined them during the light of day—blue skies and green trees and purple mountains, snowcapped at times.


Dad had been right to land here, but his dream had been overwritten. She and Nora were now left to pick up the pieces and find a way to move on. Alex had never left her thoughts, but she had lost him in the chaos. He’d inexplicably walked back into her life during the biggest crisis she’d ever endured, and she feared he would walk right back out.


She needed to see him, tell him—before it was too late.

God, please...

Recent events had driven home the point that she shouldn’t let anything stand between her and her loved ones. She’d allowed too many years, too many regrets to separate her from her family. Never again would that happen. She had already lost too much.

Alex—brilliant, good-looking, compassionate, and her hero—she loved everything about him. They’d connected emotionally, and she couldn’t deny her strong physical attraction to him. After everything she’d experienced in life, she knew deep in her marrow that she shouldn’t just walk away from him, or let him slip through her fingers for a second time—unless, of course, that’s what he chose. And then Mackenzie would be alone again.

At least Nora had Carson, and Mackenzie was so very relieved that he’d had nothing at all to do with the espionage, stealing Hanstech’s trade secrets to be sold to the highest bidder. William had created a business selling tech on the black market via the dark web. Even had a specialty website.

Nora had explained to the federal agents that she brought Mackenzie in as her own personal rapid-response team because of her cybersecurity skills. Nora had sounded proud of her. Among so many things, she was still trying to comprehend the admiration she’d heard in Nora’s voice. As for the Feds, she had a feeling they would be watching her closely again because no one ever forgot what she did when she was a teen. And just as she feared, she could never completely outrun that mistake.

But she’d been instrumental in bringing Nebulous 2.0’s activities to an end. And she would forgive herself for her past mistakes. With that acceptance, she believed the future was bright.

If only Alex...

Before Nora turned off the road to head to her house, Mackenzie needed to speak up. “Will you take me to Stone Wolf Ranch?”

“You’re welcome to stay with me,” Nora said. “We have a lot to talk about. A lot of catching up to do. I want time with you before you go back to Michigan. Maybe I can even convince you to stay.”

Except Nora’s future was up in the air as well. With an obliterated Hanstech headquarters, would her sister choose to stay in Montana?

“We’ll have time. I want that too. But my stuff is at the cabin. I just want to crash.” And wait for Alex.

God, please let Alex show up.

Nora steered up to the main house and stopped. Mackenzie must have been in a daze because it hit her. “No, wait, the cabin at the back.”

Before Nora could correct her error, Terra and Erin rushed through the front door toward the car.

“I’ll just leave you with your new friends. At least I know I don’t need to worry. You’re in good hands with them.” Nora got out with Mackenzie. Her sister hugged her, then held her at arm’s length. “Call me when you’re ready to come over, okay? Or ... just show up.”

Mackenzie looked into her sister’s eyes, tears surging. “I’m so sorry about everything.”

“Shh. Let’s let the past stay in the past. It’s over and done with. You’re here now, that’s all that matters. Because of you, Nebulous 2.0 is gone.”

Nathan and his dive team had recovered William’s body earlier in the day, not too long after he disappeared into the ravine.

Mackenzie couldn’t find the words. It was like a dream, coming back to family—at least what was left of her family. And she wouldn’t waste that gift from God.

She said goodbye to Nora. “Let me know how Carson is doing.”

“I’ll text you later with an update. I’ll probably go back up to the hospital after I freshen up.” Nora shook her head as if she was still trying to comprehend everything.

Mackenzie knew the feeling. Nora handed Mackenzie off to Terra and then climbed into her vehicle.

Terra pulled her into a hug, surprising her. “Come on in. I made a huge batch of pasta. I know it’s late, but I bet you’re hungry.”