Jack had lost consciousness.

Terra’s knees shook. She wanted to climb into the ambulance with him like he requested. The EMTs were shutting the door on her, ignoring Jack’s request.

“Wait a minute!” She tried to force her way in.

A hand touched her arm from behind. “Agent Connors. I’ll get you there.”

Terra turned to see Detective Nathan Campbell.

“Terra.” Compassion filled his tone. “My vehicle’s right there. We’ll follow the ambulance. In fact, I’ll lead it into town.”

“Let’s go!” She ran with him, and they jumped into his vehicle. He placed the flashing lights on top of the unmarked vehicle and ran the sirens. Sped around the ambulance and paved the way on the lonely county road.

“What happened out there?” he asked.

Terra clutched the handgrip. Nathan would make sure the ambulance didn’t waste time. She just hoped he got them there alive.

“Leif pulled out the big guns. We were caught off guard. How could we have known that he would pull this?”

“You couldn’t have. Sarnes had pulled up information for Jack, but only prepared the report tonight.”

“What does it tell us?”

“He was a warrant officer. Piloted helicopters for the Army. And yes, he served with your brother. He was a hero and saved lives. The other information paints a sad picture. His sister was killed. Leif kind of went off the deep end after that. He was discharged, though we don’t know the exact reasons.”

“Well, he went off the deep end tonight too. He’s armed and dangerous, and I need to talk to my brother, to warn him. He needs to know what Leif is doing. Can I use your cell? I lost mine out there in the cornfields.”

Nathan handed it over. “I know you don’t think Owen is involved in illegal activity, and I can’t see it either. So, for now we’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. And don’t worry, Terra. We’ll get Morrisey tonight. Every agency has been called in. Anyone who would engage law enforcement in this way has lost all control, if you ask me.”

Terra used the cell and called Owen. Gramps would be asleep by this time, and she didn’t want to disturb him. There wasn’t anything he could do. But she left a message for Owen, keeping it vague. She didn’t want to scare him, but he needed to be warned in case Leif showed up there. Terra sent Owen a text too. That’s all she could do for now.

She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the constant sound of rapid-fire bullets slamming into Jack’s vehicle. She covered her mouth to stifle the sobs. Jack had been shot. The whole time he was trying to protect her and he’d been shot.

Nathan squeezed her shoulder. “He’s going to be all right.”

Terra wiped her eyes and glanced at him. Despite his words, he was worried too. Nathan was a good guy, and she felt sorry that he and Erin hadn’t made things work.

Nathan slowed his vehicle at a four-way intersection, lights flashing, to assist the ambulance through.

“I get the feeling you like charging through town, sirens blaring.”

“This isn’t one of those times. I don’t like it when a cop is in trouble.”

“Jack told me the bullet went all the way through and that he would be okay.”

“Let’s hope he was telling you the truth.”

He steered through the emergency room entrance and parked. Leaving his vehicle running, he rushed around to open the door, but Terra was already out. She and Nathan watched the EMTs roll the gurney carrying Jack down the hallway. Terra made to follow, but Nathan blocked her. “Let them work without distraction. You say your prayers. The doctors will tell us the good news when they’re done. In the meantime, let me get you some coffee.”

She hugged herself. “Yeah, sure, okay. You’re right.”

Nathan led her to the cafeteria. Bought them coffees and sat with her at a small table. Terra didn’t want to be here. Not like this. Anguish flooded her.

“All I can think about ... I keep seeing him reaching for me. Begging me not to leave him. And I left him. I’m out here.”

“You know you can’t be in there with him while they treat his injury.”