Her body dumped in the snow in Wyoming.

Because of him? Someone knew he’d tried to save her?

Terra was here with him. Her words floated through him, close and yet far. Trained officers died all the time. He couldn’t lose Terra too.

Jerking, he opened his eyes. She was there. But she’d released his hand. He kept her in his line of sight as she walked with the two men who had now placed him on a gurney.

Jack didn’t want her to leave, because if she remained by his side, then she wouldn’t be facing that madman.

Or her brother. He could see her facing off with her brother. Putting herself in danger.

Jack gasped for breath. He had more to say. He had to warn her.

An EMT pressed an oxygen mask over his face. What was the matter with him? He had no power to move. To speak.

The thought of Owen being connected to Leif and the possibility that he could be involved made Jack more nauseous.


He closed his eyes and wished he hadn’t, because now he wasn’t sure if he could open them again.

“I’ll meet you at the hospital, Jack,” she said as if she heard his silent screams.

“I’ll be right behind you,” she called again.

He found the strength. He pushed his arm up. Shoved the mask away. “Terra. Ride with me!” He eyed the EMT. “She has to ride with me.” He grabbed the paramedic’s arm and squeezed. “Special Agent Connors is going to ride in this ambulance with—”