Jack!” Terra’s voice sounded as if it were coming from down a long tunnel.

“I’m okay,” he said. “It’s just a flesh wound. A graze.”

“You are not okay!”

“Maybe I’m a little dizzy.” He felt like a complete wimp. He’d let that guy get the best of him. He’d really messed this up.

“Because you’re bleeding. Where exactly are you shot? I need to stop the bleeding.”

Must have happened when the guy surprised them by firing on their vehicle. He had only noticed a pinched feeling, and not the pain. Adrenaline had probably kept him going and alive.

“I think it went all the way through.” He’d been shot before and should have recognized the signs. “I’m going to live, Terra. Don’t look so stricken.”

She kneeled beside him. Opened up his shirt. “Where is it?”

“My arm. We can stop the bleeding. Make a tourniquet. But they’re already here. Help is here.”

Pain and terror filled her wide eyes. He hated putting that look on her face. Jack wanted to squeeze her hand, but the strength had run out of him.

Vehicle lights filled the edges of his vision, along with flashing colored lights of county vehicles. Terra put pressure on the wound and pain ignited. He gritted his teeth to keep from groaning. He didn’t want to scare her. With his free hand, he pushed the hair out of her face, then ran his hand over her cheek. Trailed his thumb down her jaw. He wanted a second chance with her.

He didn’t deserve it, but . . . if he survived ... God, please, give me another chance with Terra. I need to make it right like Aunt Nadine said.

Her eyes flashed to him, the whites bright in the shadows. “What are you doing?” Her voice shook.

She tried to pretend he had no effect on her, but he saw in her eyes that his touch sent a current through her. The same current that ran through him when she was near.

Or was it the loss of blood and adrenaline crash that was getting to him? Maybe his condition acted like a truth serum, and he was being honest with himself.

He tried to push up. Some hero he was.

But she was alive. They’d made it out alive. Unlike...

Unlike ... “Sarah.”

“What? I’m not Sarah.” Her face was now filled with full-blown panic.

“Sarah, you’re alive.”

“Jack. It’s me.” Terra drew close enough he could kiss her. “It’s me.”

“Terra.” He tried to reach up and touch her lips. Pull her closer, but his body wasn’t cooperating.

“Here, here! Help, we need help...” Her words trailed away, and when she stepped out of view to let the EMTs take over, he saw her trembling, blood-covered hands. She leaned in. “I’ll let them know to keep searching. And just how dangerous he is.”

“Stay with me, Terra.” Stay with me...

Had he said that out loud?

“I’m here, Jack. I’m not going anywhere.” She weaved her fingers with his.

Jack closed his eyes. Blood loss. That’s all this was. Too much blood loss.

Images accosted him. The girls. So many girls being trafficked. One in particular. The shock of her familiar face. The anger and panic that engulfed him. But he’d worked to get her out. To save her before they took her out of his reach.

His cousin, Sarah.