“No. Oh, wait, there it is. No. Gone again.”

A burst of laughter escaped. She hadn’t laughed so hard in far too long. But no more laughing for her as she turned onto a challenging, rocky, and twisted drive up the mountain.

“Just where are you taking us?” he asked.

“I put this address in the GPS, but I was warned it was kind of tough to get to. A guest ranch. Owned by somebody McKade out in the boonies near the town of Grayback. Apparently they were dozing to install a new structure when they came across human remains and artifacts, so the construction has stopped. Dr. Brand is leading the team of archaeologists, interns, and volunteers.”

“Dr. Brand. He’s the guy you don’t have a story with?”

She steered slowly under an archway with “Emerald M Ranch” carved into the pine arch.

Terra angled a look at Jack. “That’d be the one.”