Jack hiked with Terra across the meadow where several white, tented domes had been set up. A few people worked in excavated grids dug several feet down. Some crouched or squatted. Whatever their position, their focus remained in the dirt. He glanced back at the sprawling log cabin in the distance and presumed that to be the main house.

He’d run into Liam McKade when he was an FBI special agent working in the Jackson Hole area. And he owed the guy his life. Would he see Liam today?

“You seem distracted, Jack. You okay?”

Terra’s voice drew him back to the moment. “Yep.”

They approached the back of two tented domes situated close together. She slowed.

Jack stopped walking. “You’re hesitating. Why?”

“Someone’s talking.”

“Yeah? So?”

A man stepped from between the two tents, followed by a woman. At the sight of the familiar face, shock coursed through Jack.

She shook hands with the man. “Thanks for the interview, Dr. Brand.”

He smiled as if immensely pleased with himself, then his eyes landed on Terra, who instantly stiffened.

“Rae?” Jack stepped forward. “Rae Burke? I can’t believe it.”

Rae’s eyes grew wide. “Jack. Oh my gosh, Jack.” She rushed forward and gave him a hug. Then just as quickly stepped back. They hadn’t known each other all that well but had been in a life-threatening situation together, and that alone had connected them in ways that couldn’t be put into words.

He looked her up and down and smiled. “You look well. What are you doing here?”

Rae turned and smiled at Dr. Brand. “Liam asked me to write up a few articles about the archaeological site discovered here on the ranch, or part of the ranch. Some of it extends into the wilderness area.”

“Liam. How is he?”

“You can ask him yourself.” She gestured behind Jack.

Wearing a Stetson, Liam McKade hiked toward them from across the meadow. Last Jack knew, Liam owned a security business that covered private security for high-profile clients as well as area ski resorts.

“So, you guys are close?”

She held up her left hand and flashed a big diamond ring. “We’re engaged!”

“Oh, Rae, that’s wonderful.”

Liam stepped up and wrapped his arm around Rae’s shoulder and pulled her close. He thrust his hand out to Jack. “It’s good to see you, Jack. Who’s your friend?”

“Forest Service Special Agent Terra Connors, meet Liam McKade and Rae Burke.”

Introductions were made all around.

“Jack, everyone’s up at the big house for a get-together,” Liam said. “You and Agent Connors are welcome to join us for dinner. You too, Dr. Brand.”

“You’ve been too good to us already”—Dr. Brand pressed a hand to his midsection—“considering how much food you’ve catered out here completely free of charge. We have a lot of work to do if we want to close up the site before the first snow hits. We’re behind schedule as it is, so I’m going to pass, but thank you for your generosity.” Brand eyed Terra. “Terra and I have some business to attend to. You ready?”

She nodded. “Sure.”

She followed Dr. Brand between the two tents without a backward glance.

Jack needed to be part of that meeting. “I tell you what,” he said to Liam. “Depending on how long it takes us to finish our business here, I’ll pop by the house before we leave.” Liam McKade’s family—brothers Heath and Austin and their wives—had been grateful for Jack’s work last year and had kept Jack company while he recovered in the hospital. “Maybe I should have kept in better touch than I have, but I’ve been busy.”

Liam squeezed his shoulder. “No worries. Looks like God is keeping us connected.” Liam tilted his head toward the site. “Which brings me to my question. Why are you here?”

Without giving away too much information about their active investigation, Jack gave the succinct version. “I should catch up to them.”

“Hope to see you later then.” Liam walked away with Rae, his voice drifting back to Jack. Liam asked Rae how her interview with Dr. Brand had gone.

Jack could see those two were meant for each other. He’d heard a quick summary of their story from Rae. They’d overcome a huge struggle and found their way back to each other.

Their story resonated with him, but he struggled to hold out hope for him and Terra—they were too far gone, and it had been too long. Who was he kidding? Terra probably wasn’t even on the same page as Jack was, or even interested in opening up that book with Jack. In fact, what was he even doing thinking along those lines?

Either way, he didn’t like the idea of her spending time alone with Dr. Brand, a man with whom she had no story. Right.