Chapter Nine

Red-hot rage blinded Eric. “What the hell?”

He dropped the note and ran for the door. “Lock the door and don’t open it until I get back. I’m going to try and find him.”


He was out the door before she could finish her protest. He took the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator, but didn’t see another person anywhere.

Only when he was out in front of the building did he see the taillights of a car pulling out of the parking lot.

Could be the guy, but could be anyone.

Who knew if the guy had even left the building?

A chill swept through him as realization set in that he’d left Hannah alone.


Eric sprinted up the stairs in less time than it took to get down them. When he reached Hannah’s apartment, the door was still shut.

His heart beat double-time, his panic barely held at bay as he gave a quick knock and called out her name.

The lock sounded after a moment. Hannah opened the door and stepped back to let him in.

“Everything okay?” He scanned the room to make sure she was safe. Alone.

“Yeah. Well, I mean besides those creepy flowers and note.” Her laugh came out a bit wobbly. “Is there something else going on?”

With a terse shake of his head, and relief loosening his taut muscles, he closed the door.

“Whoever dropped the flowers was long gone.”

Her slow exhale was audible. “With the time lapse between the doorbell ring and you going to answer it, I’m not surprised.”

“Damn it.”

“Maybe... they had the wrong apartment?” It was clear by her tone that she wasn’t quite sold on that scenario.

“Is that what your gut is telling you?”

“No.” Silence filled the air for several beats, before she whispered, “I think that it might just be that creep Wentworth.”

“The parent from the school?”

“Yeah.” She bit her lip.

He swore under his breath and grabbed the flowers from the counter, dumping them in the trash. He’d take it out when he left tonight, so she wouldn’t have to see them or smell them.

But damn. Could he even leave her alone after that?

“This is insane.” She shoved a hand through her hair. “Why would he be doing this?”

“Because some men are narcissistic assholes who have a hard time hearing the word no.”

“Wow, you didn’t even pause before spitting that out.”

“Yeah, it’s been going through my head since I saw that note.” He gave her a humorless smile. “Have you spoken to someone at the school?”