“Yes. It didn’t go well.”

“What happened?”

“Wentworth is on the board of directors. He’s a big financial contributor to the school. When I told my boss, he shut me down the minute he heard the Wentworth name.”

Of course they did. Greedy bastards. “Have you considered going to the police?”

“What would I say?” She lifted the card and waved it. “It’s not addressed to me. He didn’t sign it. I have no proof it was actually him.”

“Do you know of anyone else it could be?”

“I mean, James texts a lot, but I can’t see him—”

“It’s not James.” Eric’s jaw clenched and his gaze turned guarded.

“I know,” she said softly. “I don’t love him anymore, but he’s a good guy. Wentworth, though, has always given me a bad feeling.”

“Me too. Even in just those few minutes in the store.”

The admission had her glancing up at him. “Yeah?”

“Something’s off about the guy. And after this—” he gestured to the flowers in the garbage “—I don’t think you should really be staying alone tonight.”

That had her laughing. “I literally live alone, Eric.”

“Maybe you should stay with your parents.”

Just the idea had anxiety searing through her blood. “Absolutely not. You don’t know my parents, but they would freak out if I told them about Wentworth and insist I move home.”

“Is that why you didn’t say anything to your uncle?”

She offered a small nod.

“Is that why you came back to Taekwondo? To learn self-defense.”

“Yes. My friend Sam told me to get a gun, but I’m not a fan of guns. And I have no idea how to use one. Not to mention I don’t think I could pull the trigger if it came down to it.”

“There’s nothing wrong with not wanting a gun, Hannah. You don’t have to explain your choices.”

He didn’t mention his just-in-case gun locked up in his safe. It was a choice. Some people wanted them, others didn’t. No point in judging.

But this Wentworth prick clearly was an issue that she shouldn’t dance lightly around.

“Look, chances are this guy just needs time to cool off. If he sees you happily involved with someone, he might move on.”

“Or might get crazier. And I’m pretty much single right now, so being happily involved with someone isn’t really an option.”

Right. Which is why an idea had been percolating. “It could be.”

Don’t say it.

It was just a really bad idea for so many reasons.

Don’t fucking say it.

Ah, shit, he was going to say it.

“Why don’t you let me be your boyfriend, Hannah? Your fake boyfriend, of course.”