Chapter Four

Eric’s blood pounded harder at her invitation. His stomach had that ‘being on a roller coaster’ sensation, and he swallowed hard.

Be cool, don’t overthink this.

“Yeah. I think that’s probably a good idea, actually.”

“You do?”

“Absolutely. I don’t get a good vibe off that guy either.” Because he really didn’t. And going to her place was nothing more than making sure she was safe.

Sure it was.

“You mentioned something about watching shows and drinking wine, right?” He shrugged. “I’m due for a low-key night like that.”

“The wine is back in my cart.” She grimaced. “But we can break into your cider if you want?”

“Sounds like a plan.” He dug his keys out of his pocket. “Why don’t you ride with me? We can grab your car later tonight or in the morning.”

“All right.” She slid into the passenger seat and buckled up.

Once Eric was in the car, buckled and starting the ignition, she glanced his way.

“Thank you again for stepping in back there. That man kind of weirds me out. He was awful during my parent-teacher conference, and then back at the store, he tried to ask me out.”

“Really?” He backed out of the parking spot, glancing in the rearview and catching a glimpse of Stoddard Wentworth exiting the store.

“Right? That’s what I was thinking. Who does that? You can’t ask out your kid’s teacher.” She paused. “I mean, not while the kid is in the teacher’s class at least.”

“Yeah. Kind of one of those unspoken rules.”


Her tension seemed to have eased some as she leaned back in the seat and gave a little sigh of relief.

“We’ll have a relaxing night and make you forget all about that prick.”

“Mmm.” She sighed. “I have to admit I’ve missed getting to see the usual group since James and I broke up. Anyway, it’ll be fun to hang out with you again. Netflix and chill, right?”

He shot her a quick look, not sure if she’d realized what she just said or not. His dick had heard the suggestion and twitched under his jeans.

But Hannah’s expression was pure innocence as she smiled at him.


“Nothing.” He jerked his attention back to the road.

“It’s not nothing, you just gave me a weird look.”

He tightened his grip on the steering wheel. “It’s just... Not sure if you’re aware, but uh, ‘Netflix and chill’ can have a dirty meaning.”

“Dirty? What?” She shook her head, her brows drawing together. “It just means chilling out and watching some TV. People say it all the time.”

He cleared his throat. “Yeah, they do say it. And I guess if you take the words literally, it can mean that. But it’s also slang for, um, having sex.”

Her eyes widened and her lips parted. “No.”
