Oh yeah, she was fully committed to this little charade.

When he realized she was trembling slightly, the urge to protect her surged even higher.

I’ve got you,he tried to mentally reassure her.

He pulled her closer and brushed a kiss against the softness of her forehead in what would look like a casual gesture between a couple.

“I don’t believe we’ve met.” Eric turned his attention to the man barely three feet away from them. “I’m Eric. Hannah’s boyfriend.”

The man narrowed his eyes and slid his gaze between Eric and Hannah.

“Boyfriend?” Skepticism laced the word. “I was not aware Miss Jeong was in a relationship.”

Hannah’s swift inhalation and stiffening was a good indication that his words had upset her.

“I’m Stoddard Wentworth. My son is in Miss Jeong’s class.”

So he was a parent. And by the looks of it, a parent who was interested in his son’s teacher in more than a professional way.

“Ah, gotcha. Lucky kid. Hannah’s a great teacher.”

Stoddard gave a barely perceptible nod. “Yes.”

“Anyway, we have plans for the night. We should get going.” Eric moved his hand to the curve of Hannah’s hip and applied a slight pressure with his fingers in silent communication. “Anything else you need, baby?”

“No. I think I’m all set.” She glanced back at the other man. “Nice to see you again, Mr. Wentworth. Please tell Harrison hello for me.”

Without waiting for a reply, Eric urged her forward and out of the aisle. She pushed the cart until they were out of view and then abandoned it in the next aisle.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“Not yet. He’s still watching you.” Although he couldn’t see for certain, Eric would bet his next paycheck on it. “Let’s go pay and then get you out of here.”

She nodded and followed him to the register. Even with his attention on the cashier, Eric could see Stoddard several registers down, and yeah, he was absolutely still watching them.

Anger still simmered inside him and his jaw clenched. The guy gave off major creep vibes.

After he’d paid and held the paper bag full of his purchases in one hand, he placed the other low on her back and guided her out of the store.

“He’s still watching me.” Her words were unsteady and laced with disbelief.

“Did you drive here?”


“I don’t think you should get into your car alone right now.”

“I don’t either. Maybe I’m being paranoid, but I’m kind of afraid he’ll follow me home.”

“I don’t think you’re being paranoid. You’re being cautious.” He played out different options in his head. “I’d bring you back to my place, but James is there right now.”

She shook her head quickly. “It’s okay. I don’t want to see him. Do you... never mind.”


“I’m being stupid.”

He came to a stop beside his car. “I doubt it. What were you going to say?”

She bit her lip and glanced away. “I was going to ask if you wanted to come over to my apartment for a bit.”