Romy wasn’t certain how to reply. She’d never met anyone who didn’t think Tony to be smashing. “My mother—”

“Is a lovely woman. I applaud your father’s choice. Elysium will be your next point, and I have grown more accustomed to the association with the provision I remain a member in good standing.Andas long as I am given leave to take you into the private rooms when the mood suits us.”

Another flush stole up her cheeks. She could never allow her brothers to know such a thing.

“You are fine with Elysium?”

He waved a massive hand before her. “Not completely. Nor Leo. But I will get there. The point is, I am notaverseto growing accustomed. Acceptance takes time, does it not?”

“Yes.” She would have been more concerned if Granby had told her he was completely at peace with all the Barringtons’ imperfections. But it was reasonable to allow him time because he was open to the idea. He may not be so agreeable in terms of Madame Dupree once he knew the extent of Romy’s relationship with the modiste.

“Still, you must know, I am not only designing gowns for Madame Dupree when the mood hits me. I am a partner in her establishment. I am in trade, Your Grace. Discreetly, of course. My name will never be above the door nor is my part ownership ever discussed but...” She paused. “If we were to marry—”

“Wearegoing to marry. As soon as it can be arranged. Christ, I should just throw you in my coach and take you to Gretna Green this instant,” he shot back, the rumble of his voice full of ice chips.

Nowthatsounded like Granby.

“If we married—”

“When we marry,” he corrected.

“You will have control over what I own. You could take it from me in a second. I can’t let you.” She shook her head, her mind at odds with her heart. “No matter how I—”

He came over to the sofa and kneeled before her. “I willnot, Andromeda. I have art. Gardening. Building things. You should see the planned renovation I have for the west wing of The Barrow,” he said. “I will not take away from you that which youneedto be yourself. Not Madame Dupree. Your silks. Your bastard brother. Or your family.”

A tear slipped down her cheek. It was a beautiful speech.

“You must trust me in this, Andromeda. I admit, there are attitudes so ingrained in me from my upbringing which will take time for me to put aside. Like a thorn which must work its way out of your skin. Others I may never completely vanquish. But I will make every effort to accept all of you, as you must do for me. I’ll show you something which may help to give me the benefit of the doubt.”

“What about love?”

“Love?” The gravelly sound of the word on his tongue slid up under her skirts.

She really could not express herself clearly when he was bent on seduction. Granby would have her on the sofa before the tea cart arrived, and she couldn’t allow it. Not until things were settled between them.

He went completely still, his hands no longer caressing her thighs. “You think I don’t love you.”

She bit her lip, vowing not to start weeping.

“Andromeda.” He took her hands and pressed them to his lips. “Did you ever seek to translate the words I spoke to you that night in the study?Sei tutto per me.You are everything to me.”

Another tear slipped down her cheek.What a lovely sentiment.“I am?”

“Yes.” He pressed a kiss to her thigh. “I am not good with words, Andromeda. I will never be the sort of man who writes you poems or compliments your eyebrows. You’ll be fortunate if I bring you flowers, though I may try to grow you a bougainvillea.”

She had no idea what that was, but it sounded lovely.

“I am rife with imperfections, including my inability to tell you that which you need to hear.” A deep sigh escaped him as he reached into his pocket to place one of her butterfly clips in her lap.

“I could not bear to be parted from you, so I carried this with me.” He paused, a forlorn look flitting across the harsh features of his face. “I will be difficult. Cold, at times. I’ll scowl. Demand. Expect obedience, though I know you’ll never give it. We will argue, a lot, I imagine. But you must never doubt how much I love you.” He placed her hand over his heart. “It beats for nothing and no one else but you, Andromeda Barrington.”

“David,” she sobbed. “You love me.”

“Of course I do. Haven’t you been listening?” He leaned up, kissing her until Romy grew breathless and his hands strayed over her bosom. With a groan, he pulled his lips from hers as a knock sounded on the door.

“Damn it. I asked them to wait a full half an hour; it hasn’t been that long. Tea has arrived.”

“I don’t want tea,” she said against his mouth.