“Please wait here, my lady. Lady Molsin will be down in a moment.”

Granby’s aunt had sent her a note only that morning asking Romy to call on her. At least the messenger said it was from Lady Molsin, but the very masculine, barely legible scrawl at the bottom, beneath his aunt’s polite invitation, told her it was not.

You are not a painting.

Romy deliberately didn’t tell anyone, not even Theo, where she was going. Her mother had assumed she’d gone to Madame Dupree’s, as she so often did. She really shouldn’t have arrived at Granby’s home unescorted, but Lady Molsin was in residence, and the invitationwasfrom her if anyone should inquire.

Romy admitted to herself she was nervous. Granby’s mood yesterday had been tender and gentle, despite the roughness with which he had taken her against the table. A bloody marvelous experience she hoped would be repeated. Last night, sitting in her bath, she’d relived every moment, her hand straying between her legs, stroking gently, as Granby had done.

Daisy had interrupted with a stack of towels at a most inopportune moment.

As striking as the knowledge that Granby was more fiery passion than ice was knowing Romy’s own nature was just as passionate. One word from him and her mind summoned up a host of erotic thoughts and images. He seemed pleased by that part of her. It was the other bits of her life she was concerned about.

Granby claimed to want all of her. Romy was here today to ascertain exactly what that meant to him.

She looked up as the door opened, and Granby strode into the room.

“Thank you, Helmsworth.”

Romy didn’t do a good job of hiding her shock. Granby knew the butler by name.Andhe had thanked him. She took in his appearance as he came closer. Deliciously rumpled as if he’d only tumbled out of bed.

The very thought of Granby, naked, between silken sheets, caused her thighs to squeeze together.

And he was smiling.At her.

“Good day, Lady Andromeda,” he greeted her politely, his gaze landing on her mouth then brushing across her bodice.

“Your Grace, are you well?” she said, mostly to hide her own reaction to his presence. Her entire body hummed as he drew near. The cravat was tied properly. The length of his coat perfect. His waistcoat even possessed a splash of red. Warmth crept up her cheeks.

The knowing glance Granby gave her told Andromeda he knew full well the power he wielded over her.

“Of course,” he groused back. “Why would you think me unwell?”

“I worry that you’ve hit your head,” she said tartly, pleased when his lips tilted into a scowl. “The Granby I know doesn’t smile so much as you.”

“I am only happy.” He leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss on her forehead. “Stop acting as if I’m addled or gone mad. Although, I find you to be a particular type of madness.”

Hope flared up inside her. She knew Granby desired her physically, that had never been in doubt. The spark between them burned brighter than ever. But had he truly put aside his previous attitudes in regard to her family? It would break her heart to have Granby not accept Leo. Or be unkind to her mother.

Or not return the love she had for him.

But first, Romy meant to be honest. “I’ve come to realize, Your Grace, some of the deficits you see in the Barringtons may not be without merit. I see them now, our eccentricities.” She held up her hand when he opened his mouth to speak. “I’m not certain you will ever be comfortable sitting across a table from Leo, for instance.”

“I’m uncertain of that as well.”

A horrible drop of her stomach met his words. “I am not sure what your intentions are in regard to me, but—”

“You know very well what my intentions are, Andromeda. Honorable, in all ways except when you are naked. Then I make absolutely no promises.” He shrugged. “Though you were not naked yesterday when I fucked you on the table at Madame Dupree’s, I thought I made myself clear all the same.”

She drew in a shaky breath, the vulgarity and the images sending a wave of heat down her body. Which Granby knew full well it would.

“You’re blushing. Shall I explain, in great detail, what I would like to do to you right now?”

“No. Please don’t.” Her gaze shot to his mouth.Bollocks. “That isn’t necessary.”

“Later then. And I will welcome Leo toour”—he emphasized the word—“home to dine. I’m bound to be uncomfortable at first, but I will conduct myself appropriately. I’ll even be pleasant to Averell, though I don’t like him at all. Is that blunt enough for you?”