I wanted him to fight for his life. But I also knew that he would probably die in the process. His fate was already put in the stars, and there wasn't much that I could do to stop it. I felt helpless sitting beside him in that cage. I had always wished that somebody would have stood up for me, so that I might have had a different life. But it wasn't in the stars for me either. I had to fight tooth and nail for everything that I had. I didn't have anybody to care for me, to love me, or to watch over me.

I stared at him, feeling pity for him, even though I didn't want to. Even with food in his belly, he still looked weak.

“You are not a Siren, what are you doing here? Are you a captive too?”

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I picked up the basin and left the cage, closing the door slowly behind me. I was about to answer him when the cargo hold door opened and Xagon entered. He looked from me to Jesye and back again, looking completely bewildered.

“What the hell are you doing, Flipp? You just can't stay outta trouble for one moment, can you?”

I had expected him to be angry when he found out that I was down there with Jesye, but he looked more fed up with me than anything.

“I'm fine where I am, thank you very much.”

I looked over at Jesye and his eyes were wide. I could tell he was thinking that I was just looking for trouble. I didn't care what happened to me, as long as nothing happened to Jesye.

Xagon scowled at me, and there was a certain darkness that emanated off him.

“You have to come with me.”

“No. I want to stay here. I'm having a nice conversation with this lovely Hirpy.”

Xagon rolled his eyes.

“Azil has invited you to dinner. I suggest you get going.”

“No, thank you. I had a loaf of bread already.”

“I wasn't asking you, Flipp. This is not a request, it's an order. Get up and let's go.”

I sighed. I clearly didn't have a choice in the matter. I got up from the floor beside the cage. I turned to say goodbye to Jesye, but he wasn't even looking at me at that point. It would probably make things worse on him if I was too friendly, so I just turned and left the cargo hold. Xagon closed the door and passed me, making his way out of the cargo hold. I followed behind him as he led me to the upper deck.

“Why do you have that Hirpy down there? What are you planning to do with him?”

“Flipp, we gave you a ride. Why is it that you think we owe you anything? What we do on our ship is none of your business.”

“What you're doing is wrong.”

He ignored me as he went up the stairs to the deck. I continued to follow up behind him.

“Are you listening to me?” We were up on the deck now, but we were still alone. He spun around and grabbed me by both my arms. He bent down close to my face, and said, “I suggest you watch your tongue, and be grateful that we didn't tie you up like that dirty Hirpy. We could easily have left you starving in a cage or let the crew have their way with you. You are not a guest here, so try to keep that in mind.”

Stunned, I slowly closed my mouth after it had been left hanging open. I was constantly reminded that really bad things could happen to me if I overstepped my bounds. It also reminded me that the sooner I got off the ship, the better off I would be. We went to the cabin, where Xagon lightly knocked on the door before entering. I followed in behind him and saw that Azil was behind his desk waiting for me. He had a glass of whiskey in front of him, and a bottle beside that.

“Welcome, Flipp. I am thrilled that you decided to grace me with your stunning presence.”

“Decided?” I said, blinking.

Xagon shot me a look, but I avoided it. He didn’t say another word but just turned and left. I turned back to Azil and swallowed hard. I glanced at a dinner table that was laden with more food than I had seen in a long time. It angered me to see that much food when I knew that Jesye was suffering downstairs. Azil got up from behind his desk and came around it towards me. I looked down at the floor, knowing that Azil wasn’t interested in food, or sitting down for dinner with me.

I knew all the rumors about Sirens. If they got close to you, you weren’t supposed to make eye contact with them, or you would be under their spell. Plenty could happen while being under the spell of a Siren.

He walked towards me with a swagger in loose fitting clothing. His style was relaxed and comfortable. He didn’t have any of his weapon on him because he had only one thing on his mind.

He approached me and touched my chin. “Flipp, look at me.”

I didn’t want to, but my options were very limited. I swallowed, my heart racing in my chest and my eyes fluttered upwards, landing right on his. He stared right through me, and I felt dizzy. I knew that he was putting a spell on me, but I couldn’t pull my eyes away from him. They were stuck there, and I couldn’t have looked away even if I wanted to. Suddenly his lips were on mine and a heat coursed through me. It was like our lips had caught fire, and I felt his tongue enter my mouth. We were kissing and my head was swimming. I wanted to stop, but I also felt a need building up inside of me. I wanted him, but I also didn’t want him. His tongue was inside of my mouth, and when he pulled away, he started to suck on my own tongue. I was kissing him back now, a passion building up inside of me, my eyes still not leaving his, and I saw a heat in his eyes. He bit my lip, and a soft moan escaped my mouth.

“You taste like the sweetest fruit, Flipp,” he said, as his hand went between my legs. My eyes fluttered as he touched me. I felt an ache between my legs. His hand dropped as he undid his pants, and I felt the weird peen of the Siren. His tip was expanding towards me as it formed into a knot. My breath caught and I knew what he wanted from me. I also knew that I would not be able to say no to him.