I could feel him growing hard against me and I closed my eyes. Suddenly, I froze as a blood curling scream was heard from outside. My eyes popped open and Azil was no longer looking at me. He was pulling his pants together and walking away from me.

I suddenly had a clear head, and I knew that the Siren spell had been broken. I wiped at my mouth, my face burning red as I thought about the things that I had done with Azil.

I shook my head, my thoughts scattered, and I ran to the door as Azil was heading out of it. The screaming was relentless, and I saw one of the crew members dead on the deck. My hand went to my mouth as I stifled my own scream. His throat was slashed and there was a pool of blood forming around him. The slash across his neck indicated that he had been attacked by a claw. There were shrieks all around me, and crew members were running all over the ship. I walked a few steps towards the dead crew member and realized it was the very guy that had been screaming at me a few days earlier, saying that I had cursed the ship. He was the guy that screamed that I should be tied to the mast and sacrificed. I started to back away when a couple of crew members approached me, screaming. Their faces were bright red, their eyes bulging as they screamed in my face. They looked terrified, paralyzed by their own fear.

“You did this! We should never have allowed your kind onboard. You have cursed us all.”

My mouth dropped open, and I tried to speak, but nothing was coming out. How could I possibly defend myself?

“You’re a Demon, and you should be the one that’s dead.”

I started to back away from them, worried that they were going to throw me over the side of the ship. I looked around for Azil or Xagon, but they were nowhere to be found. Where had they gone?

“Demon! You are bad luck, and you will be the death of all of us.”

I thought that I was going to be sick. “I am not a Demon,” I screamed back. Tears of frustration were welling up in my eyes. I was taken aback at the idea that they were accusing me of this evil, and calling me a Demon. I was nothing like that, nor would I bring evil upon the boat. One of them tried to grab me and my tail swung in action, tripping the both of them as they fell to the deck. I had no idea who had killed the crew member, but I was not waiting around for someone to find me. I turned and ran from the men and headed below deck. I ran into the cargo hold, but I avoided the lower area where Jesye was. I didn’t want them to kill him because of me. I hid behind large boxes filled with food, cowering on the floor. My whole body was shaking, and I wondered what would happen if I was discovered. Where was Azil and Xagon? I could still hear yelling on the upper deck, and I closed my eyes. What was going on? How did the crew member die? His throat had been slashed with a claw. Whose? Was it possible that the ship was cursed? All these questions were swirling through my head, and I had no answers.

Finally, the screaming stopped and the silence in the upper deck was more chilling than the screams themselves. I waited to see if anyone would come looking for me, but they didn’t. I got up and returned to my bunk, before I crawled into my hammock, pulling the blanket up over my head. It didn’t matter how much time went by, I couldn’t stop shaking.