"We can assist you there, but we can make no promises with Aldric," Garret said what I couldn't and I pressed my lips together. "It's okay, Jaide, no one can protect themselves from him. And he's gotten worse since Theon took your brother. He wants what Theon has."

"A magical Fae child who can explode things?" I asked, shaking my fingers around like magical sparks were going to erupt from the tips. None did, but it wasn't helping just how weird the whole thing was.

"Essentially." Garret put the dildo down, the water bottle sloshing a bit as he set it beside it. "He wants someone strong enough to take Healynas on."

"Yeah, I know. You guys are behind on the ‘filling me in’ thing."

"I just filled you with other things." Parris was still stroking the dildo, his eyes bright as he stepped closer. I was ready to smack him, Synian king or not, when Garret pulled him back with one tug on his suit jacket. Which was probably for the best seeing as Parris and his panty melting grin were threatening to undo everything the shower had done.

"Either way, we need to get you out of here," Garret said as he tucked Parris behind him.

"I won't say no to that. I only came here for my brother, and he's not here." I hadn't exactly been quiet about that and they both nodded.

"If we can escape here, perhaps we can take him from Theon. Perhaps we can stop this all before it begins," Parris said, shaking the dick at me like it was a giant foam finger.

"Stop what? You're talking like it's the end of the world." I tried to force out a laugh, but the two of them were staring at me like that was, in fact, what they were talking about. Parris actually stopped stroking the rubber dick.

"You are an Omega, Jaide." I blinked at Garret, waiting for more. Poor guy actually looked at me like he was sharing new information.

"Gee, tell me something I don't know."

"Synians can't have Omegas," Garret finally continued. That time I froze.

"Yeah, I heard about that. About Healynas and how he banished you–”

"No. It’s more than that. Did you ever wonder who kills all those Omegas that end up dead in the streets?" Parris asked, looking me up and down again. I would have tried to cover myself, but I had already established just how much of a fool’s errand that was. "The Fae need Omegas for breeding. The Lyrous take their true mate bond seriously, especially the dragons--"

"And the wolves," Garret cut in, but Parris continued on.

"But we have been kept from them. Our bonds with them have turned feral and uncontrollable. We love the way they taste. We love the way they take our knots. We love filling them with our seed, and we can't stop loving them." I really didn't like the way Parris enunciated those last few words.

I was still standing in the water, but I could have sworn everything turned to ice. All of those bodies... They covered the front pages of newspapers. They were listed as a 'why you must be safe' warning in the back of the Omega handbooks. They were featured as reasons to pay the mercenaries, to get to a sanctuary.

"The Fae banish their Betas to our world to find the Omegas and take them home. They take side jobs and call themselves mercenaries, sure, but that's not why they are here. The Omega sanctuaries exist to breed more Omegas for the Fae and Shifters. But the ones we can get our hands on..." Garret cut himself short and they both swallowed, the look in their eyes filled with a hunger I had never seen before, and I never wanted to see again. "The blood of an Omega in heat compares to nothing else in this world. It's a drug to us, just as our bite is a drug to you. Only an Alpha bonded to their fated Omega can stop drinking and help reunite us with our Omegas.”

"Wait. Did you just go all prophetic on me?" I was still kinda freaked out by the whole drinking my blood until I died while I was in heat thing, but that last part had taken a turn.

"Yes." Parris nodded. "It's why we must stop Theon before he takes on Healynas, it's why we have searched for Omegas for centuries. Healynas didn't just banish us, he had the witches curse us. They exiled us from our home until we can show restraint. We have tried with Omega after Omega. We can't be restrained, and we don't want to try anymore. So, we will use you to get what we want in another way."

"Ok, ummm, thank you for not bleeding me dry. I think.” Is that something you thank them for? Or did I need to go buy them a gift basket?

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Jaide," Garret hissed, picking up the dildo again and placing it back in its case. "It's only because you offer us something more. The power of Fae."

"Only a Fae can take on a Fae." I repeated what Elliot had said before, this time it didn't seem so powerhouse awesome though. This time it seemed more like a curse. Something that was not helped along by the two men looking absolutely power hungry as they nodded.

"We need you intact, so we need to get away from Aldric, and away from here, before you have your first heat and you become just another number of our dead."