
"Stay here.Breathe. I'll be right back with a... I'll be right back." Garret's eyes had thankfully faded to gold, although the guy looked absolutely flustered as he closed the shower door, leaving me standing, naked, in the tile room.

"Oh! And shower. Yeah, take a shower." He was back in a second, the glass door swinging open as he fiddled with knobs and buttons and all sorts of things that shouldn't be in a shower. A second later, hot water poured from several shower heads that lined the top of the oversized shower... room... thing. I just stood there, staring at him as the water dripped over both of us and slowly soaked his suit.

"I know Omegas need support. I'll be right back. Your Alpha will be right back, I promise." His hands ran up and down my arms before he kissed me on the forehead. Then he was gone, leaving me in the water cave that was slowly filling up with steam.

Water poured from every direction as though I was standing in the middle of a heated waterfall. My body ached, and thankfully the needy feeling I had been left with for days was finally subsiding. Although, that might have been from the water. It felt the same as the towel Elliot had given me, and Elliot said he told Garret how to take care of an Omega. I guess that was another point toward the 'Elliot is real and I'm not delusional' pile.

I hadn't had a warm shower, at least not one that I remembered, since before I was evicted from my apartment, and even then I was lucky if my showers were lukewarm and more than two minutes long. Now, standing in the steam, letting the water fall over me, it truly was taking away all my aches and pains. I had been a pile of nerves, every muscle tight and coiled since I arrived here. Thanks to the water, things were finally starting to unwind.

It better last more than a hot minute. I needed a break from dicks, rubber or real.

I was beginning to realize that when you are owned by three Synian kings, one of which is a masochistic psycho, everything is stressful. So, for now I was on a desert island somewhere, basking in the sun and waterfalls. I imagined it as I ran soap all over my body, scrubbing my hair in hopes of getting out whatever gunk was in it. It was a perfect dream, until two voices rose above the steady sound of water splashing against tile.

"What do you mean you fucked her?" Garret was pissed. I immediately thought back to those black eyes and was one step from backing up when I did the completely logical thing and stepped closer. Garret didn't seem the type to get mad and shove things up my ass as punishment. Besides the steam had filled the shower room so completely there was no way he could see me.

"I mean, I stuck my cock in that tight cunt of hers and filled her with my seed," Parris answered and everything from navel to knee tensed. So much for being all blissed out and relaxed. Damn Synians.

“Do you really have to be so crude?”

"Yes. And I have to say, Aldric's plug does make it that much tighter. Now I know what he has been on about for all these years."

"We already talked about this. You can't fuck her," Garret cut Parris off.

"I already did, haven't you been listening?" There was an answering roar, and a laugh, which could have only come from Garret and Parris respectively.

"I told you before she was even presented to us that we would have to play this smart. Why do you think I’ve been staying away? If you were smart, you would have too. Her brother was an Alpha, she is an Omega. We can’t hope to have the same result with her as Theon had with her brother. You can't send Omegas into frenzies like this, or she's going to be pushed into a heat, and I have to find a way to get her out of here before that happens." Garret actually sounded worried, and this time I didn't blame him.

My heats back home were usually spent with an automated descenter running in the corner, my door locked and barred to keep my brother and any other Alpha away. There was a slim chance that Jett would react to the heat of his own sister, but like hell if we were going to take the chance. Ew.

Heats drew Alphas to me who were ready to mate, and when I was in heat I was ready and willing to be mated. It was an uncontrollable, feral thing.

A heat without a descenter, among Synians, one of the Synians being Aldric. Uh, yeah, no thank you.

"I'm more concerned with getting her away from Aldric, Garret. It's not me and my cock you have to worry about."

"I'm well aware." Garret was snarling, even as Parris chuckled. "But I'm not going to get her out of here if you keep playing with her."

I moved closer to the dewy glass wall of the shower, the steam swirling around me. I didn't want them to see me, but if they were planning something to get me away from Aldric, I was on board.

"I paid for her, Garret," Parris said, the sound of a squeaking hinge cutting something off before he laughed. "I'll go along with your plan, brother, but I would still like to savor the goods. Besides, I don't know the first thing about caring for an Omega."

"And that's why you came to help her down from her highs? Because you don't know the first thing--?"

"I can take care of myself, you know," I said, swinging the shower door open and releasing all the steam. Both men turned to me, Garret worried, Parris pleased. Even with their different expressions, they still looked me up and down with the same appraising stare. Something that wasn't helped by the fact that they were both holding dildos.

“Fucking dicks! Could I just have one minute without a cock staring me in the face?”

Garret gripped a soft, pink, floppy thing in one hand, the bottle with the tube in the other. Parris was, of course, holding the massive multicolored cock of Elliot’s that I couldn't seem to get away from.

"Oh darling," Parris crooned, running his hand up and down the shaft as he smiled. So, instead of listening to my request he chose to make it worse. Noted. Synian asshole. "So nice of you to pop in. Feeling chipper are we?"

He was still stroking the cock and I rolled my eyes.

"I can take care of myself," I repeated, both of them exchanging a look. I would have roared at them if I didn't know exactly what they were thinking. "I mean with heats. And frenzies. My brother protected me, but I know how to take care of myself in that way. I know how to bring myself down. That would of course mean that you have to leave me alone from time to time."

"When are you going to realize that you were sold to us as a sex slave?" Parris began, but Garret lifted his hand, cutting him off.