He did not want to hurt the outposter, but Eurig was not holding back. So, neither wouldhe.

Eurig danced away from Rafe’s blade as if the weapon was nothing more than a piece of hay. Grunting, Rafe swung again and again, using all of his strength to whip his sword from side toside.

His breathing became ragged, and his movements began to slow. In the back of his mind, Rafe understood what Eurig was doing. It was a technique that Rafe had used himself many a time. Force your opponent to work hard. Tire him out. Let him spend all of his energy. And then make the killing blow when he is far too tired to do a damn thing aboutit.

But Rafe would not let this outposter get the better of him, not in front ofBree.

So, he made one final attempt to win the fight. Rafe braced his feet on the floor, gritted his teeth, and swung his sword for all he was worth. Eurig caught the blade with his own, and the weapon clattered out of Rafe’s hands. His eyes widened as Eurig smiled and lungedforward.

The sharp edge of the sword grazed against Rafe’s right leg, and a sharp burst of pain exploded through his core. Rafe dropped to his knees, grasping at the blood now pouring from the brutal wound. And then Eurig’s sword flew right at his neck, stopping only an inch short of itsmark.

The sharp steel did not cut into Rafe’s skin but it might as well have. He felt the damage of the blownonetheless.

Eurig’s deep voice echoed in the cavernous space when he spoke. “Looks like I won. Training is over for the day.” The fae pulled back and dropped his sword to the ground before shooting Bree a mischievous smile. Her face was ashen as she blinked at him. “Nice meeting you, Redcap girl. See you tomorrow. If you’relucky.”