Chapter 7
Rafe’s bloodspread across the stone floor, and Bree’s stomach tumbled over itself so many times that she felt like she might be sick. She dropped to her knees by his side and pressed her hands against the slick wound. He winced, closing his eyes against the pain. And even thought there was no magical bond between them, she swore she could feel the sharp tremors echoing throughout her ownbody.
“You’re an asshole,” she shot over her shoulder as Eurig disappeared through the door. Lyra took two steps back, and then quickly followed the outposter out of the Academy’s space. Bree huffed and turned back to Rafe, her blood boiling. She couldn’t believe that guy. Who did he think he was? The whole point in coming here was totrain, and yet he’d stabbed his instructor in order to get out ofit.
“Do not waste your anger on him,” Rafe said through clenched teeth as he handed her a scrap of fabric he’d extracted from his tunic. “He has the typical outposter rage issues. They are brought up to be harsh, bitter, and violent. Taveon knew the risks when he asked Eurig to train here. Besides, I do not think he meant the sword to go sodeep.”
“If he hates being here so much, then why the hell did he even come?” Bree asked as she fumbled with the fabric. She tied it tightly around Rafe’s leg once and then twice, but the blood still fell fast and thick onto thefloor.
“Perhaps he volunteered for the same reason you did in the beginning.” Rafe shot her a pained smile. “He thought he could make a difference. He wanted to make the realm better for hiskind.”
“Well, if he really felt that way then he shouldn’t be stabbing his instructor!” Bree wanted to throw up her hands, but she was afraid to let go of the cloth. So, she merely let her body tremble with the anger pouring through her like a tidalwave.
Rafe chuckled. “If I recall correctly, you did something quite similar. Or have you already forgotten that you stabbed Taveon on your first dayhere?”
Bree’s heart clenched tight. How could sheforget?
“Yeah, but.” Bree frowned. “That was way different and you knowit.”
“Perhaps. Perhaps not.” Rafe groaned as he sat up on his elbows. “Bree, I am afraid this wound is going to need far more than just a bandage. I would ask you to take me to Taveon,but…”
But Taveon was in much worse shape than Rafe was in this moment. That said…a lightbulb went off over Bree’shead.
“You always ask for Taveon when you’re wounded. Why is that,Rafe?”
Rafe was silent for once. He pressed his lips tightly together and glanced away. Even after everything that had happened, the two of them were still keeping something from Bree. Whatever it was linked back to all their other hidden secrets. Taveon’s silver wings. Taveon’simmortality.
“You might as well go ahead and tell me,” she said, pressing her lips together. “I’ve already figured it outanyway.”
Rafe’s face paled. “You have figured out Taveon’ssecret?”
“So, hedoeshave a secret? I knew it.” She began ticking off the evidence on her fingers. “He has silver wings. He cannot be killed. And he has some kind of healing powers, which is why you keep asking for him when you’rehurt.”
Rafe flicked his eyes to the open door, and he dropped his voice to a low growl. “Careful,Bree.”
“They’re gone,” Bree said, and then let a beat pass. “So, it’s true. Taveon can healpeople.”
Rafe let out a long sigh. “He can heal fae, yes. But it is best if you keep that information toyourself.”
“When are you two finally going to trust me enough to tell me the truth about him? When are you going to explain to me what all of this means?” Bree fought the urge to shove up from the floor and curl her hands into fists. If Rafe wasn’t so hurt, she would, but she wouldn’t leave his side now. Despite how frustrated she felt about all of hissecrets.
“Truthfully, I assumed that you already knew, Bree,” Rafe said, wincing as he attempted to stand. Bree grabbed his arm and helped him to his feet, but the weight of him practically crushed her shoulders into dust. “You have that bond. All your thoughts and emotions and secrets pass through it. I thought you would have heardit…”
Bree frowned and thought back to the moment when every barrier between her mind and Taveon’s had broken down. She had accepted the bond, fully and completely, and a rush of swirling memories and emotions had torn through her very soul. There had been something…she remembered. Something dark and dangerous Taveon desperately wanted to hide. But it hadn’t scared her. Instead, she’d felt more drawn to him than she ever hadbefore.
She had reached out toward him andsmiled...
But then the memory had been doused in murky waters, hiding itself from Bree’s conscious state. It felt like a distant dream, one she’d had so many years in the past that it had long beenlost.
Somewhere deep inside of her, she knew the answers to all of her questions were there. Hiding and waiting for her to unwrap the truth and see it for its full glory. But right now, it was too far out of her grasp for her to see any part of it atall.
So, for now, she would have to go with what Taveon and Rafe were willing to tell her. Unfortunately, that wasn’tmuch.
* * *
Bree and Rafestumbled through the castle grounds until they reached the Prince’s—no, theKing’s—chambers. Taveon had chosen to continue to reside in the rooms he’d had since a small fae boy instead of moving into the rooms of the late King Midas. The two guards standing watch outside in the corridor gave Bree and Rafe a quick glance before immediately opening the doors and ushering theminside.