Bree frowned in their direction. What the hell was goingon?

Branok gave Taveon a nod and then scurried across the arena to Dagen. He handed the Lord a note, and then backedoff.

Dagen’s eyes went as wide as the Prince’s. Across the fighting pit, she swore she could hear a light laugh escape from his mouth. He lifted his eyes from the paper and scanned thecrowd.

“It seems as though Anken’s quest for power was far greater than we originally suspected. All the other champions were found dead in their rooms this morning. Not a single one survived, save for the Prince’s champion. Unless there is another amongst you who would like to challenge the Prince’s claim to the throne, we will announce the winner in a few moment’stime.”

Bree’s heart lurched, and confusion rippled through her. Anken’s champion had killed everyone else? But when? And how? He’d been so loud and so brash that it seemed impossible to believe that he’d been able to take out half a dozen fighters without anyone hearing a sound. And yet...there was no mistaking Dagen’swords.

All the other champions were dead. Whichmeant...

Bree shot a glance at the Prince. He was trying to hold back his feelings and keep his face as blank as he could, but she could feel the emotion pouring through him. He was impossibly happy. And relieved. Victory sang in his blood. And hope. Hope that this was the first day in a very long period of peace and happiness in the realm. And the start of something that could make a difference in so many innocentlives.

Bree yearned to step toward him, to wrap her arms around him, and pull him close. But her feet stayed rooted to her mark. She would not move until they were certain that no one else would stand in hisway.

Moments stretched out into what felt like hours. Bree shifted on her feet as the crowd murmured amongst themselves. Snatches of conversations drifted herway.

Some say the Redcap girl killed thechampions.

She’s ruthless, just like thePrince.

Taveon would do whatever it took to win now that we all know he’s not Midas’s son. I bet he put her up to killing themall.

Did you see her claws? She’s a beast. She’s violent. She could have killed them all in theirsleep.

Bree’s heart hurt. She didn’t understand where these rumors were coming from, and she hated them. A part of her yearned to storm across the fighting pit and join Dagen on the platform, so that she could tell everyone that she was not a murderous asshole, thank you verymuch.

But then she heard the snatches of a few moreconversations.

No one will step forward now. They are far too afraid she will killthem.

I heard that not only are the champions dead but the contenders are, too. If she’s that ruthless, I’m not putting forth myname.

Bree’s eyes widened. The contenders were dead, too? A strange sickness twisted in her gut. She suddenly felt very nauseous, and she wanted nothing more than to sit down. So many had died. And for what? For a stupidcrown?

And now everyone was afraid of her. Too afraid to step forward and challenge thePrince.

After several long moments, Dagen raised his hand in the air and motioned for Prince Taveon to join him on the platform. With squared shoulders, Taveon’s eyes met hers. Emotions flowed through their bond, a strange mixture of sadness, relief, and affection that made her heart quake in herchest.

And then he ripped his gaze away as he strode toward Dagen. He met the Lord in the center of the fighting pit, taking each step as slowly and purposefully as he could. Bree’s heart lifted as she watched the Prince. He looked so strong and sure of himself. And so powerful. Even though he was not the true-born son of King Midas, he deserved to rule this land. He cared for Underworld unlike anyone else, and she knew that he would give his life for it if hecould.

Dagen took the Prince’s fisted hand and held it high in the air. “Behold, Prince Taveon is the winner of the Battle for the Crown. Through his bond with his champion, he has shown himself to be the strongest and most fiercest fae in all of the land. He is not the true-born son of our deceased King, but he does not need to be, for he has a power and strength of his own, one that will lead us through the next age of this realm. His coronation will be held tomorrow, after which we will celebrate the reign of our newKing.”

The crowd cheered, and Bree joined in, dropping back her head to shout in celebration. Despite everything, good had prevailed for once. And she couldn’t wait to see her Prince become herKing.