Chapter 56


Bree satin the Prince’s quarters with Rafe, Taveon, and...strangely enough, Dagen. All of his animosity toward the Prince seemed to have mysteriously vanished, and he was right there by his side as the crowd cheered for his upcoming reign. Bree didn’t quite know what to think about it, and she certainly didn’t trust him. Why had he changed his mind sosuddenly?

Regardless, the Prince had won, and now it was time to prepare for the future. One that Bree hoped to see for herself. Rafe had kissed her hard when she strode out of the fighting pit with her head held high. And then he’d lifted her from the ground and twirled her through the air, murmuring soft words of affection into herear.

She’d clung on tight, holding on to him with everything in her soul. She knew that he worried it might be time for her to go, but she couldn’t leave him. She never wanted to leave him. Because of Rafe, this place had transformed into her home, despite everything she’d done to try and stopit.

“Now that we have won, you do know you are free to leave now, Bree,” Taveon said to her. “You said you wanted to see this through to the end. Well, we have all reached theend.”

Her heart lurched. She couldn’t imagine leaving Underworld behind. Not now. There was still too much unfinished business here. Unfinished business that included the Tithe, Rafe, and now...Taveon? Her feelings for the Prince were so confusing and more than slightly overwhelming. When she looked at him, she had a hard time remembering what was up and what wasdown.

“This is not the end though,” she merely said, knowing that he could feel much of what churned through her mind and her heart. “There’s still your coronation. And theTithe.”

Dagen frowned at that, but he didn’t say a word. She didn’t know how much the Lord was aware of when it came to the Prince’s plans for Underworld and itsfuture.

Rafe grinned and took her hand in his. She flushed and shot him a shy grin back. At least she knew where she stood with him. It was strange. She had no magical bond with Rafe, but she could read his thoughts and emotions far easier than she could the Prince, even without that glimpse into hismind.

“I am glad you have decided to stay, though I would leave with you if that’s what you decide you want todo.”

Bree’s heart soared, and she squeezed his hand back. “Are youserious?”

“I have never been more serious in my life,” hesaid.

Tears sprung into her eyes, and she had to swallow hard to speak around the lump in her throat. “I...”

There were words she wanted to say to Rafe, but not here and not now. She needed to wait until the right moment, a moment that involved no one else but them. Taveon cleared his throat, pulling her attention back onto his handsomeface.

“So, it is settled then. Bree will stay.” He glanced at Dagen. “What do we know as far as ending the link betweenus?”

Bree stiffened, though she tried not to show it. It was the end of the Battle for the Crown, thus it was time for the magical bond between them to break. It had done its duty. It had given her his strength, and it had protected her with his power. But now the fighting was over, and the need for the bond was no more. She didn’t want it to end though. There was something about it that made her feel...right and whole andalive.

Dagen’s eyes were locked on Bree’s face, but he glanced away when she turned his way. “What is this Tithe business you speak of? I assume you’re referring to the annual changeling sacrifices the Light Fae prepare for us in order for us to continue to exist as wedo.”

Bree nodded. By the forest, she hoped Dagen wouldn’t make this difficult for them, though she wouldn’t be surprised if he did. Now that he could no longer make the Prince’s ascension to the crown a miserable affair, he would probably move onto somethingelse.

“And you plan to end it?” He frowned. “May I ask how? Without it, the Dark Fae cannotsurvive.”

“Well, we don’t know yet, do we?” Bree glanced at Taveon who nodded in agreement. “But we’re going to try to find a way. I mean, I had an idea before that kind of worked with Taveon’s plan, but I’m not really a big fan ofit...”

“And what was that plan?” Dagen askedcoolly.

Taveon braced his hands on the table and leaned forward. “Until we find a solution to end the Tithe completely, my intention was to send Bree into the human realm and infect humans with the virus herself. Guilty ones, if that puts her mind atease.”

Bree prickled at his words. So he still wanted her to do that. When Norah had spoken to her about the Tithe before, Bree had gotten it into her head that perhaps guilty humans would work better as a sacrifice for the fae realms. But Bree knew it was a rubbish idea. Those guilty humans could still spread the virus to others, to innocents. It solved nothing, and everyone knewit.

“She will be putting her life in danger then,” Dagen said slowly. “Going into the human realm poses dangers. And there will be many Dark Fae who will want to stop the end of the Tithe by any meansnecessary.”

Rafe scowled, his grip on Bree’s hand tightening. “I did not think of that. I do not like this, Taveon. There must be another wayto—”

“I have an idea,” Dagen said. “Traditionally, the bonds are always broken after the Battle for the Crown, but nothing about this situation has been traditional at all. It has been most...irregular. For Bree’s future safety, I propose that the two of you keep the bond open for as long as youcan.”

Taveon’s eyes widened as he slowly nodded. “And then there would be no need to worry about her safety. Yes, I agree with this plan.Bree?”

Every male fae in the room turned her way, waiting for her response. She knew what they wanted her to say while still leaving the choice up to her. It was difficult to argue against immortality. She could face off against any enemy and not worry whether she would live or die. No one could truly topple her, not if she kept herself open to Taveon’spower.

But the idea still scared her. They were linked so closely. He could read the thoughts pouring through her mind if she wasn’tcareful.