Hold on. I can’t believe thatIam tellingyou, Ms Beauty Queen Glamour Puss, about grooming. How things have changed!
Don’t worry…it was a one-off. I’m normally always neat down there. I’ll be preened to perfection, and downstairs will be pruned better than a row of bushes at Kew Gardens. It’ll be like a work of art!
Glad to hear it. Now go and book those appointments!
Will do. Thank you, my darlings. You’re the best x
And with that, we all signed off. Love those ladies. I was feeling much more positive about my decision to go there now. In fact, I couldn’t wait.
Time to sort out those appointments: I booked a mani-pedi and bikini wax (legs and underarms had been lasered so all good there), eyebrow threading, messaged my industry friend Annabel to check availability for her stylist Josh to do my hair at her salon in Mayfair, then scheduled an appointment with the hygienist to get my teeth cleaned.
That reminded me. Underwear. I’d get some new lingerie too.
It was hard work gearing up for this whole sex thing.
Strictly speaking, I should keep my look low-key as that’s how I was when Lorenzo met me. But this time, I want to be totally relaxed and not have to think about stray pubes spilling out from my thong.
My sensible side told me I should exercise caution and not get too carried away until I was there and we were actually together, but I couldn’t help it. The fact that there was a possibility of some fun (and sex) in just two weeks’ time gave me something to look forward to.
As nervous as I was, I just had to try and relax and tell myself it would all be fine.