I clicked on to our group chat.


So, ladies…what are you doing the weekend of 4th June? I’ve thrown caution to the wind and booked flights. As I’m not normally this spontaneous, forward or…just not like this at all, I’m bricking it a bit!


I chased in the end because as predicted, I hadn’t heard back re: dates. He said Sat/Sun would be good but not Thurs/Fri due to work. So I’m going Fri–Mon. Worried that I may be wasting time/money if it falls through. Hence may need moral support the following weekend to take my mind off any disappointment…

Nowthat’swhat you call a verbose message. Lorenzo, take note.

Bella fired back a message. Paul must have been having an afternoon nap.


Bricking it is good!!! Feel the fear and do it anyway. Don’t forget to pack certain items… Sat 4th June is in the diary!!

Next Roxy messaged:


Yay! Go for it! You’ll have an amazing time! Sat 4th June is fine with me too. Can’t wait to have a front-row seat for the sequel to your exciting chick flick. But this time, can you bring popcorn? Preferably the salt/sweet mixed packets from M&S. (hehehe!) Proud of you! xxx


Thanks, ladies. I’m apprehensive but also excited…


Try not to worry, hon. Keep busy, not just between now and when you go, but also put lots of stuff in the diary for when you get back so that you’re not missing him too much when you get back to reality.


Great idea. You know how sometimes I do have a tendency to overthink…


Ha ha! You? Overthink? Sometimes? Never!


Not funny, Roxy


Well, just saying, Soph! You do tend to obsess because you always want everything to be perfect, but you’re definitely getting better…ish…


Hey—cut me some slack. I’m much more relaxed than I used to be…


M&S popcorn will be covered, Roxy. Alcohol is sure to be needed one way or the other too. Packing list will be also be sorted, Bella…


By the way, Soph, don’t fuck up this time with the lady garden situation. You need to be booking your appointments with the beauty salon to get everything ship shape pronto. Your nails, feet, all need to be on point.