Chapter Sixteen

“It was that intense, huh?” Hadley asked as we pushed our way through the bustling mall. There were people everywhere, arms overloaded with shopping items, practically running from store to store.

“I can’t even explain it,” I told her on a heavy sigh. The meeting with Jayla’s grandparents had been brief but extremely stressful. “I’m really scared.”

Hadley grabbed my arm as we sidestepped another dashing mall-goer before they could plow through the center of us. “Everything will turn out okay,” she answered, squeezing my forearm to reinforce her point. “Blizzard isn’t going to let anyone get between you guys and Jay. She’s going to be fine.”

“The final court date is a week before Christmas,” I fretted. “What if—”

“Rose, stop.”

I shook my head, realizing that I was getting caught up. I needed to stop stressing myself out and focus on the time I had with Jay, not what the future might hold. I’d become so attached to that little girl. I wasn’t sure how it happened, but I suspected it was something to do with the fact that I was in love with Blizzard, and she just happened to love him too. I found myself missing her when she wasn’t around. Her smile, her laugh, the way she’d come out of her shell since Blizzard and I had come together was crazy, and I relish every single day that I get to see her blossom.

Blizzard had found us a small house not too far from the clubhouse, and we had officially moved in as of two weeks ago. It had a gorgeous backyard, a porch, two stories and three big bedrooms. In less than a year we had become this small but strong family, and suddenly, everything I’d ever imagined having for myself had come true.

When it was just my mom and me, I dreamed of large family dinners, holiday get-togethers, and strange family customs that you think are embarrassing as hell, but that you wouldn’t change for the world. And now I had not just the love of my life, but a perfect little girl to spoil, and my club family full of overbearing brothers and crazy club girls and old ladies.

I couldn’t ask for anything more.

I still kept in touch with Angelo and my Uncle Anthony and cousins, visiting occasionally, but really, this was where I was meant to be.

With Blizzard.

With Jayla.

With the club.

No one was going to take any of those things away from me.

“Fucking Christ,” Hadley exclaimed as we slipped inside a store. “I thought the Christmas rush didn’t start until like the week before Christmas!”

I frowned. “I’m sure you can’t curse the Lord while discussing his birthday celebrations.”

She turned and narrowed her eyes at me. “Are you Christian now?”

I laughed so loudly I drew the attention of anyone within a twenty feet radius of us. Hadley rolled her eyes and grabbed my arm, continuing to pull me through the crowd until we appeared in the toy section. “Wow, good work.”

She brushed her shoulder off and flipped her hair. “I have a certain set of skills.”

We scoured through toy after toy, both trying to figure out what our girls would like.

“What are you getting Leo for Christmas?” I asked curiously as we picked random things off the shelf and began to fill our arms.

She shrugged. “I’m not sure to be honest. I was thinking maybe a tattoo.”

“Because he doesn’t have enough?” I laughed.

“I like them.” She grinned. “These guys, they can get anything they want or need themselves. So I feel like presents are harder, that they have to be more… sentimental.”

I nodded along as she spoke, as though I was agreeing but I could feel my face heating.

“Rose…” she said slowly, grabbing my shoulder and turning me to face her. The few toys I had in my arms flew out and slid across the floor. I could see her curious gaze turning into something more, something cheeky, something understanding. “What did you get for Blizzard? Tell me now,” she demanded, practically stomping her foot.

I shoved her off, a nervous giggle escaping my lips. “None of your business, lady!”

“Rose…” then came the whiny voice. For someone so strong and tough, Hadley could sure pull off the sulky, pouty woman to a tee. “Come on, I need ideas.”

I huffed. “You said you knew what you were going to get him.”