“It’s something dirty isn’t it?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I replied, acting innocent as I attempted to pick up the toys scattered across the floor. “Remind me again why we didn’t get a cart or something.”

“There weren’t any and stop deflecting. It was dirty…” I could hear the cogs turning in her head, “…was it handcuffs?”

I snorted, but then quickly covered my mouth. I really didn’t want to get into this in the toy aisle at Walmart. Blizzard and I had discovered an interest in sex toys over the past few months. I hadn’t told anyone about it. It was our thing, something that he hadn’t done much of before, something that we found exciting. And while the sex with Blizzard was more than amazing without them, the toys added another element to our relationship. We had to trust each other, we had to learn together about what worked and what the other liked and didn’t. Some might say it was a weird thing to say that it helped to strengthen our bond, but it did.

“Not handcuffs…” Hadley continued, clearly amused. Suddenly she turned to me with her eyes wide. “Oh my gosh… it wasn’t like a butt plug or something was it? Because I’ve heard—”

There was a loud gasp behind me and I spun around to see a lady standing there with her hands over her teenage daughter’s ears. The daughter was grinning from ear to ear, obviously unfazed by Hadley’s words.

“Sorry!” Hadley called in embarrassment as the woman dragged her giggling daughter away.

Laughing, I spun around and swatted at her arm. “That’s what you get for being nosy.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll stop.” We were silent for a few minutes as we plucked different dolls and toys off the shelves, but she couldn’t help herself. “Seriously, though, have you—”


“Okay…” she stepped back holding her hands up, “… I was just curious.”

“Then maybe you should get Leo one for Christmas,” I replied sarcastically, only to look up and find her standing there as if she was considering it.

Then she shook her head, “Nah. I don’t think he’d like that. He’d probably see it as competition.”

We both lost it, giving in to the giggles.

When I got home I stashed the presents I’d bought for Jayla high up in the back of our closet where I knew she wouldn’t find them. Blizzard’s present was in a box at the clubhouse. Chelsea had let me hide it with her and Op, thankfully with the promise that neither of them would open it and look inside.

Hadley had been right, though. But I’m not afraid to stand up and say the sex Blizzard and I had shared was intense and beautiful and out of this fucking world. These were things I liked to keep quiet. They were for us.Nobody else.

I looked at the time on my cell. Midday. Blizzard would be home soon, he’d made a point the last few weeks of coming home to have lunch with me if I wasn’t down at the clubhouse. I was doing courses online, attempting to complete a degree in health and nutrition. So I tried to stay home and study as much as possible while Jayla was at day care and the house was completely silent.

Blizzard was busy working with Optimus and Leo on their security firm and X-Rated, and along with that, this whole business with Jay’s grandparents had him stressed to the max.

I felt a smile begin to creep onto my face.

He needed some stress relief.

I dug through the box that we hid high in the wardrobe and pulled out one of my favorite toys before going to the bed and waiting for Blizzard to arrive. It was only about ten minutes before I heard his bike coming up the street. I was already soaking wet just thinking about what was about to happen, fighting the urge to touch myself as I waited for him to come looking for me.

“Rose?” he called out as I heard the front door close behind him.

“Up here,” I yelled back, trying to keep the quiver from my voice. His boots clunked against the wooden floors as he made his way up the stairs and down the short hallway.

When he appeared in the doorway he instantly froze, and I couldn’t help but smirk as I kneeled on the bed facing him. “You wanna join me?” I teased, pulling at the chain that was linked between my breasts, with soft clamps on each nipple. I gave it a small tug and instantly moaned loudly.

With Blizzard’s help, I’d discovered just how sensitive to touch the small buds were. When in the right situation, just a simple brush or touch would be enough to light my body on fire and have me aching for him. So when we started experimenting more and more with our toys, Blizzard bought me these as a present.

I watched as his hand went to the front of his jeans, palming his cock as he stepped through the doorway and shut the door behind him. “How long you been waiting for me?” he asked as he moved to the box I’d left on the floor beside the bed.

My heart quickly began to race as I watched him pull out a pair of thick black leather cuffs, twirling them around his finger as he came to sit at the edge beside me.

I swallowed. “‘Bout ten minutes.”

His hand moved, slipping between my legs and ever so slightly brushing my lips. When he pulled it back, wetness coated his two fingers. He smirked, raising them to my lips. “Open.” I obliged, opening my mouth so he could slip them inside. I licked the moisture off them, sucking happily on his fingers and whimpering as he pulled them away.

“Lay back and lift your hands.”