Chapter Nineteen

I checked my cell again, it was four in the morning and I still hadn’t heard back from Skins.

Nerves were beginning to set in.

We’d sent him on a mission, a mission that would not only hopefully give me something I could use in our case against Jayla’s grandparents, but also on a mission that could be the kid’s passport into the club. He proved his worth on this one, he had my vote for sure, and hopefully the rest of the boys as well.

It wasn’t exactly dangerous. He wasn’t putting himself in the line of fire or anything dramatic, but this came with risks of its own.

Ham had found exactly the right information on Amy Shaw. We’d had to wait a couple days, but this was an opportunity we couldn’t pass up. She was out for a night with a few friends, hitting the town and a few clubs, and hopefully looking for a man to pick up and take home.

Not just any man, butour man.

Skins was the only one who, as of yet, hadn’t been officially connected with the club. He had a clean background and had worked undercover for the FBI for years. He was practiced in the art of deception, and I was hoping that would play to our advantage tonight. I needed her to want him, to take him home, to get him in a position where he could get me some information. It was a risk, though. If he was caught going through classified files, he could find himself in deep shit.

My cell buzzed on the nightstand and I threw myself out of bed, hitting the answer button. “Yeah,” I said as I pulled on my jeans.

“I’ve got it,” Skins’ voice said breathlessly.

“Meet me at the club in twenty minutes,” I told him, hanging up and reaching for the shirt I’d tossed on my dresser last night.

“Everything okay?” Rose’s sleepy voice asked as she switched on the lamp beside our bed.

I pulled my shirt over my head and grabbed my club cut off the back of the door. “Yeah, everything’s fine. I just need to go and see what he’s got.” I brushed my lips across her cheek and she smiled, her eyes hooded in a sleepy daze that would usually have my cock springing to life. But right now, I had other concerns.

“Be safe.”

“Always,” I replied as I hurried out the bedroom door. I stalled in the hallway, spotting Jayla standing in the doorway to her bedroom looking at me in confusion. I smiled and walked toward her, gathering her tiny body in my arms and cradling her to my chest. “Squirt, you need to sleep,” I told her as I carried her back into her room.

“You leaving.” She yawned as I placed her down and pulled her covers up, tucking them in around her.

“Not for long, I’ll see you and Rose for breakfast,” I whispered, brushing her hair back from her face. She gave another yawn and her eyes began to flutter closed. “Love you, squirt.”

“Love you, daddy,” she murmured, making my heart stop for a second.

The only noise I could hear in the room was my breathing as I attempted to compute the words that had just come out of her mouth. I’d never considered that one day things might change, and Jayla would stop seeing me as Blizzard and start looking at me like her dad. It had never really mattered before because as far as I was concerned she was already mine.

But now, now I was only more determined to make it real. To set this shit in stone.

Jay’s words played over and over in my head on my ride to the club. It was fucking freezing outside but all I felt was warmth around me. Op was waiting at the bar when I arrived. Skins sitting beside him, his legs bouncing nervously as they chatted in the quiet room.

“What’s happening?” I asked as I approached, drawing their attention.

Op looked up. “Looks like something you might be able to use.” The tone of his voice was relieved but I could tell that he was tense, agitated even.

I pulled up a stool and Skins handed me his cell. “I took a picture. Figured if she looked and found something missing it might alert them, and they would have a chance to backtrack and create a defense.”

“Good idea,” I muttered as I focused in on the words in the photo. It took a few moments to realize exactly what I was reading. “Was this written by Hayley?”

“Looks like it,” Op said, scrubbing at his tired eyes.

“Jesus Christ,” I seethed, anger building in my stomach and burning through my veins. “Do you think he raped her?”

I looked to the both of them, wondering if for some reason I had this wrong and the little girl that I’d just tucked into bed wasn’t the product of just a vile and heinous act.

“Either that or she knew that she could have him up on charges either way. She was only fifteen when he got her pregnant. Any judge would throw the book at him given that he was over thirty years older,” Skins explained, but I could see the tightness in his throat. “Given that he signed this bullshit, means he knew that he was facing jail time if she ever decided to go against him.”

I looked down at the picture again. It was a handwritten contract, I’m assuming written by Hayley that stated that as long as he forwent his rights and promised to leave her and Jayla alone, that she would never prosecute or press charges against him for having sex with a minor.