“It also shows just hownaïveshe was at fifteen thinking that because she chose not to press charges that the court wouldn’t hold him accountable anyway,” Optimus added. “If the police had found out about this, then they would have had him done for it anyway.”

“How’d her parents find this?” I asked my mind swirling.

Skins blew out a long breath. “Looks like it was left with her will. I guessed she hoped that if anything happened to her that Jayla would never be sent to live with her father and that he would never lay a claim to her. It was her way of trying to protect Jay.”

“He should have known this letter would never protect him,” Op said shaking his head.

I placed my palms on the bar and hung my head. “Maybe he did, but he thought that because she believed it, that it wouldn’t be an issue. He had no intention of ever claiming the child as his own, knowing that if he did that it would end him, so this was a good way of getting her to disappear. She was young and scared and felt like she needed to hide from him.”

I wished Edward was alive. I wanted to rip him limb from limb and tear him to shreds. Whether him and Hayley had had consensual sex or not wasn’t the issue. It was the fact that she had been fifteen, just a young girl who had no idea what she was doing or the repercussions. He’d taken advantage of her and for that, I hoped he was burning in hell.

“So what’s our next step?” Op asked, looking to me for direction. This was on me, this was my game and I needed to figure out what our next play was. The court case was less than four days away and we needed to be prepared. Prepared to throw everything we had at them in order to win this case.

“When I took pictures of the DNA tests, I noticed that it was confirmed that he was Jay’s dad, but that it wasn’t his DNA used in the test,” Skins offered, reaching over and flicking to the next picture on his cell. “It looks like it was a sibling test.”

I narrowed my eyes on the screen. “So he has other kids, kids who know about Jay?” I read the name listed on the donor information, Amber Dean.

“It could be worth talking to them, see what kind of interactions they’ve had with Jayla’s grandparents,” Op suggested.

I raised my eyebrow. “You think they knew?”

He shrugged. “With this clusterfuck, I’m not ruling anything out. Maybe she didn’t tell them and they really are just assholes.”

“Or maybe she did tell them and they didn’t believe her,” Skins added.

“Jesus Christ. This shit is a mess,” I groaned before turning to Skins. “Get me an address.”

Skins nodded and headed out of the room. He still had contacts in the force, which at this stage, was going to work to my advantage in trying to track down Amber with Wrench still absent.

“We done?” Op asked, as he stood and stretched his body.

“Yeah, go back to your woman.”

He nodded, turning to walk away. Stopping at the foot of the staircase, he looked at me over his shoulder. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. And keep me informed.”

“So be a pussy-whipped bitch,” I countered with a smirk.

“Mother-fucker,” he grumbled as he moved up the staircase, leaving me alone in the dimly lit room.