Frannie chimed in. “Start by talking to Amari.”

“Okay.” Nick got up to leave.

“Make sure she’s done filming,” J. B. suggested.

Nick quickly texted Amari.You done for the day?In a few seconds, he saw the bubbles on his phone. Then Amari’s text appeared.Yup. You?

He froze. This was it. He needed to tell her he wanted to talk. Frannie noticed his indecision and grabbed his phone. She quickly texted back.Yes. Let’s meet up.

“Mom!” But Nick was secretly glad as he’d been unable to initiate a meet-up with Amari. He watched as a new text appeared.Come to the Belhurst Castle. We can get room service.

Frannie and J. B. read the text. “What are you waiting for?” J. B. asked. “Never leave a woman waiting.”

“He’s supposed to break up with her. Not sleep with her.”

“Can’t he do both? She’s very hot.”

“Oh, so you think she’s hot?” Frannie teased.

“Not as hot as you, my love.” J. B. leaned in for a kiss. She wrapped her arms around J. B. and kissed him deeply. Nick knew it was time to get out of there. Fast.

Nick went to get his car keys and stopped. He knew he’d had too much to drink. He grabbed his bike instead and quickly rode the two miles to the Belhurst Castle. Nick dumped his bike behind a bush, not worried about having it stolen. Geneva was a safe town, and nobody was going to find it. Besides, he had bigger things to worry about.

As he walked toward the entrance, he practiced what he was going to say:So I’m not sure where this is all going.That didn’t sound right. He needed to put it in her court.Where do you think this is going?He had to figure out how he felt about them as a couple. They hadn’t slept together yet, but he knew it was coming. She wanted to, and he thought he did too. Nick stepped into the hotel and realized that he didn’t know what room number Amari was in. He quickly texted her and waited for her answer. Nothing. He paced around the lobby and waited a few minutes for her response. Still nothing. Amari was taking a shower in anticipation of his arrival. Her phone was in the living room of her suite, far from the bathroom. She dried off her body and spritzed on some perfume. Applied a fresh coat of lipstick even though she hoped it would be quickly wiped off by Nick.

Down in the lobby, Nick was getting antsy. He saw Drew enter the hotel. The two men nodded to each other warily. Nick noticed that Drew looked tired. Drew noticed that Nick looked anxious.

“Hey,” said Drew.

“Hey,” replied Nick.

Drew stopped in front of Nick. Expecting him to say more. “What are you doing here?”

“Uh, looking for Amari. Do you know her room number?”

“She likes to be incognito in this hotel.”

“Ah, she’s expecting me.”

Drew raised his eyebrows. “Oh. In that case, she’s in room 414.”


“Is it okay if we stop by the winery tomorrow? The art department needs to start decorating for the filming in two days,” Drew said as he took off his jealous boyfriend hat and put on his producer hat.

“Uh, sure. Yeah. No problem.” Nick turned to leave.


He stopped.Is this guy ever going to stop bugging me?

Drew smiled at him. “Have fun. With Amari. Make her happy.”

Nick nodded.Is he telling me to have sex with Amari?He stepped into the open elevator. No sooner had the elevator doors closed when Ivy walked into the lobby of the Belhurst. She was carrying the pages of the new scene she’d written for Amari. Ivy immediately noticed Drew at the front desk, arguing with the receptionist about the bill. Drew wanted a deeper discount than the hotel was giving him. Ivy admired his ability to save money, but at that moment, he was the last person she wanted to see. She thought Drew would be furious that she was attempting to talk to Amari. But Ivy was in a quandary as she needed to find out Amari’s room number and that meant she had to talk with the receptionist. She also couldn’t let Drew see her, so she was going to have to wait it out. Ivy stealthily snuck over behind a couch. She crouched on the floor and felt ridiculous. Was she really doing this?

“I see your feet,” Drew said. Ivy looked around. Was he talking to her? “Yes, Ivy, I’m talking to you,” he said as if he read her mind.

She stood up and shook out her legs that had cramped from crouching. “Oh, hi, Drew.”