
It was an awkward moment. Ivy waited for Drew to say something. To do anything. But he just stood there, staring at her. “How did filming go today?” she asked, finally breaking the silence.

“Fine. We got ahead of schedule, so we wrapped early. Everyone was still a little hung over.” Ivy smiled to herself. So she hadn’t been the only one. But it wasn’t the time to gloat. “I can guess why you’re here. She’s in room 414,” Drew continued.


“Who else?” Now it was Drew’s turn to smile to himself. He hoped that Ivy would soon run into not just Amari but also Nick. “If you want to see her, you’d better hurry. Before she goes out for the night.” Ivy nodded and hurried over to the elevator.

Meanwhile, outside room 414, a nervous Nick knocked on the door. His palms were sweating. His heart was racing. Amari opened the door for him dressed in a sexy black lace negligee. Nick stared at her and forgot what he meant to say.

“I didn’t order room service,” Amari teased. Nick had not expected this. He was confused. She pulled him inside her room.

Ivy stepped out of the elevator on the fourth floor, new script pages in her hand. She walked slowly toward Amari’s door, practicing what she’d say:I’m eternally grateful that you chose to be in my movie. You are so perfect. Too perfect. Ivy remembered that she needed to gain Amari’s forgiveness.I got carried away with Karaoke. You sounded amazing that night.Which wasn’t true.Just read these pages. I hope you can forgive me.

Ivy arrived at room 414. She knocked lightly on the door. Amari’s voice called out, “Who is it?”

“It’s Ivy.”

“Ivy Green?”

“Yes. I have something for you.”

She heard another voice from inside the room. A muffled voice. A man’s muffled voice.

Inside Amari’s room, Nick was horrified. He didn’t want to face Ivy at that moment. Not when he was alone with Amari inthatoutfit. He sprinted toward the bathroom, closed the door.

Amari opened the door. Ivy saw her half-dressed in luxe black lace lingerie.

Ivy’s jaw dropped. Amari smiled, or was it a sneer? “What doyouwant? I’m kind of about to get busy.”

“I just…I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am about what happened at Karaoke.”

“Oh, I’m over it. Hey, Nick? Could you run the shower for us?” Ivy was caught off guard. Nick? She’d thought she’d recognized his voice.What’s Nick doing in Amari’s room?“Anything else you needed to tell me?”

Ivy fumbled. She suddenly remembered the script pages in her hand. “Uh, yeah. I wrote you a new scene. I think it’s awards worthy. For you, I mean.” She handed Amari the script pages.

“Thanks. But as I said, I’m kind of busy.” Amari called out to Nick again. “Oh, Nick! Make sure the water is hot enough. I’ll join you in a minute.” Ivy could also hear the shower running. Water pounded. Then Amari turned to Ivy, “Don’t you hate it when the water is lukewarm? Especially when there are two people in the shower. These walk-in showers are actually really nice. Larger than what I’ve had in other hotels. Lots of things are larger here in Geneva.” Amari grinned at her.

“I don’t believe you. I don’t think he’s really here.” Ivy stomped past Amari to the bathroom door. She opened the unlocked door just a little—Nick, on the other side, pushed it closed, hard, in her face. But not before she saw a glimpse of his hair.

“Oww,” Ivy yelled.

Instinctively, Nick said: “Sorry.” He quickly shut up.

Ivy lost it. He didn’t love Amari. At least she didn’t think he did. She was suddenly furious with Amari and totally forgot about trying to get her forgiveness. “You two deserve each other. He’s only having a fling with you because you’re playing me.”

“Works for me. I’m the one getting laid.”

Ivy’s eyes flashed with anger. Furious with Amari. She snatched the script pages from Amari’s hands. Amari pulled them back. Soon they were tussling over the script which was being ripped apart. Ivy let go. She walked out and slammed the door.

Amari entered the bathroom, ready to seduce Nick. She removed her lingerie. The shower was running. She called out to Nick, “Just so you know, arguments make me really horny!”

Meanwhile, Ivy stomped through the hallways. She didn’t want to wait for the elevator, so she ran down the stairs, two steps at a time. She wanted more than anything to get out of that hotel. Far away from Nick and his dick.

In the lobby, Drew finally settled with the receptionist. He was proud of his negotiating skills. He’d saved another three thousand for the movie. Now he could pay Amari’s bar tab for when she bought drinks for the entire crew at Eddie O’Brien’s on Christmas Karaoke night.

Ivy burst out from the stairwell next to the elevator. She looked furious and barely noticed him. But it was enough to make Drew smile. He figured he would let her sweat it out for another night. He would forgive her in the morning. He was good at forgiving. Makeup sex was his favorite thing.

Ivy ran out of the hotel, infuriated.