“Idon’tthink he’sthat into you, sweetheart.” Ifocused on understanding what he said, although everything inside me screamed to ignore him, that Ididn’tand couldn’thelp this person who was doing his best to offend me. “What man sends his girlfriend and can’teven be bothered to get his own drink?”

My eyes sought Alda, ready to get my drinks and get back to my people before the situation deteriorated. He had over afoot on me, shoulders as broad as Thomas’s, aman who could’ve done me damage if he wanted to.

“What do you say we go to the back? I’ll show you what areal man is?” He took amenacing step in my direction, towering over me, placing his dirty hand on my waist. “Ibet your boyfriend wouldn’tmind sharing.”

Istumbled back, not caring about my order, instead desperately needing to distance myself from him. Ifelt for him, Iknew he had no control over his actions, but it didn’tmake him any less menacing.

Every single layer of anxiety I’dbeen working so hard to shed the past few months reemerged, choking me, ripping me of the power to defend myself. My back hit the stool behind me and out of the corner of my eye Isaw the sweet bartender rushing to me, her eyebrows pulled low in concern.

Seeing me fall changed his entire demeanor. His gaze sobered and he cursed, bending down and reaching his hand out to me, palm facing up in apeace gesture.

To Thomas the nature of the offering made zero difference. His wide frame appeared from behind the guy, tapping his back, his eyes furious, lips pulled into his mouth, his shoulders tensed up to his ears. He looked more like awall than aperson, frightening even me.

And Iwasn’this target.

Before Ihad achance to tell him Iwas fine and that he had nothing to worry about, Thomas came nose to nose with the guy who turned around, still confused.

“Hey, scumbag.” The vein in Thomas’sthroat pulsed with every word, his jaw ticking. “She said no.”

To my horror, his restraint ended there. Thomas drew his fist back then launched it straight into the other man’sface. His nose made acracking sound when Thomas’sknuckles hit it, and blood spilled as he fell back against the bar, grasping the back of it to find balance.

The whole situation felt more like anightmare than real life, the events happening in slow motion. My feeble, immobile limbs failed me when Ineeded them to move the most. On the inside Iscreamed while on the outside Istilled as adummy, gaping at the men.

Alda appeared at my side, rubbing my arm and talking to me. All Iheard was muffled noises as Iwatched her lips move.

Thomas’sanger remained even when the guy dropped to the floor. He charged at him again, kneeling on top of him and punching him relentlessly, going after him blow after blow.

What was going on and how in the world was Isupposed to reconcile the man who made love to me only acouple of hours ago with the violent person Ihardly recognized?

My Thomas was kind, compassionate, well put together. Patient, staying long after his classes ended to help his students with whatever they needed, whether it was technical advice or apep talk.

My Thomas joked with my family, found forgiveness in his heart for his parents, and got emotional about painting apregnant woman.

My Thomas had anger fits, but nothing, not asingle thing, could’ve prepared me for this.

This…this savage crouched on the floor, beating aman up until blood drops splattered on his face and the floor.

Ididn’trecognize him.

Zach and Laura attempted to shove themselves through the crowds, with Zach’sface bearing adeep frown, his eyes cold and filled with determination to save Thomas, but he was far away from us. Too far for the rapid succession of Thomas’sbeatings.

The realization that Ihad to be the one to save him hit me like abrick wall. What would be left of us after that, Ididn’tknow, and I’ddeal with it afterward.

For the moment, Thomas was still mine to protect.

Ishoved Alda without giving her asecond glance and crawled on my hands and knees to Thomas, horrified of what I’dfound. The other guy had passed out by the time Ireached them, blood gushing from his lips and nose, one of his eyes starting to swell. Ipleaded to God with every fiber of my being for him to be alive.

From there Iworked on an instinct, seizing the arm Thomas used to bash his face in with everything Ihad in me. My resolve not to let him kill that man persevered even as Thomas shook me off.

“Stop! Thomas, stop!” Iscreamed into his ear.

Thomas’sstrength diminished with every passing minute until, by some miracle, the curtain behind his eyes unveiled his golden-brown eyes back to me and with them comprehension. He understood who he’dbeen warring with, sorrow and pain painting his features.

His hand fell limp by his side, as drained as Ifelt. Before my body gave out on me, Ihad to hang in there for one more thing. To check the man’spulse. With trembling hands, Igripped his wrist and instantly sighed abreath of relief when Isensed the low thuds of his blood pumping.


Collapsing to the floor, Ibegged the room to stop spinning and curled into aball. Thomas sat there, dumbfounded and in even worse shape than me. His cheeks were stained ashade of adark red from exertion and blood spatters, sweat beads dripping from his forehead.