Zach lifted his empty beer glass and Laura declined, her half-full glass in front of her.

“What are you having, Erin?”

“Red wine, please.” Ibeamed at him. He leaned in to kiss my forehead and headed to the bar.

“Sorry for being late,” Iwhispered to Laura.

“Don’tworry about it.” She hinted with her eyes to Zach. “It’snot like Iwaited here by myself.”

“Exactly,” Zach interrupted our conversation. “Itook care of Laura while Thomas was taking care of…” He didn’tget to finish the sentence before Laura elbowed his ribs, again.

“You’re impossible.” She rolled her eyes and laughed.

It was lost on me why these two weren’tdating, they were so cute together.

“Zach, how’slife as anew firm owner?” His life genuinely interested me, though Iasked this for the benefit of Laura that Zach had more to him than dropping Fbombs and adeveloped sense of humor.

“Name partner, but yeah, it’sgreat.” His chin lifted, taking pride in his work. “Truth is, it’sfucking amazing not to be under my father’sthumb anymore. We were never supposed to work together, and that’samajor understatement.”

“And he’sokay with that?” Laura asked, her own parent drama seeping into the question.

“One day he will be. Or not, Idon’tgive afuck.” He shrugged his shoulders, his easy smile remaining.

“Idon’tthink mine will ever, ever come around.” Playing with the bottom of the wineglass, Laura sighed.

“At least you’re on speaking terms with them, unlike…” Zach paused and glimpsed at Thomas who returned with our drinks. “Is the part where you ran away from your parents and best friend asafe topic?”

“Yeah, asshole.” Thomas grinned behind the rim of his whiskey glass before bringing it to his lips.

“What’sup with you guys and the asshole today?” The question was aimed at the table, but Zach gravitated to Laura and turned to her to continue the conversation.

Thomas and Istayed mostly quiet, enjoying our drinks and that easy familiarity you had with someone you had aprofound connection with like we did. He draped his strong arm over the back of my chair and Isnuggled up to him, basking in the afterglow of sex and the bundles of love my heart held solely for him.

When Ifinished my wine, Igot up and asked who’dlike another drink.

Thomas rose to his feet right after me. “I’ll get it.”

“It’sfine, Ineed to stretch my legs anyway.” Ishoved him down lightly and walked over to the bar to order for the four of us.

“What are you having?” the young barmaid who looked about my age asked while wiping off abeer glass.

Aremarkable phoenix tattoo decorated the tanned skin of the back of her palm, in the area between the thumb and index finger. For some reason, my eyes were drawn to it, forgetting Icame there to order drinks.

Interested in the woman attached to the swirling, impressive tattoo, Ireturned my eyes to her face. She was an absolute beauty with her wild and long curly hair and light green eyes. They were deep, and for amoment they hypnotized me even more than her tattoo did. In an instant, Idecided before we left I’dask to paint her; Ithought she’dbe agreat addition to my collection of curious ladies.

“Hey, are you okay?” She waved the hand with the phoenix on it in front of my face.

“Yeah, sorry.” Shaking myself from my musings, Iplaced my order. “Thank you…?”

“Alda.” Her mouth quirked to the side, probably concluding Iwasn’tsome weirdo staring at her. “Let me go get that order for you.”

“Are you planning to drink all that by yourself?” Aman’svoice Ididn’trecognize boomed from the spot next to me while Iwatched her walk away. He slurred his words, but it was clear they were aimed at me.

Leaning on the bar, Iswiveled in place to the source of the voice. The man stood there, not three feet away from me, slumped on the bar and then adjusted himself so as to not to tumble to the floor. His brown hair was greasy and stuck out in every direction, and Ididn’thave to smell his breath to know it’dreek of alcohol.

Despite his miserable, drunk state, Ifelt sorry for him. His smirk unnerved me, but his eyes were pits of sadness. Alight pang gripped at my heart for what brought him to this moment.

“Uh, right.” Ihuffed alaugh, doing my best to act polite. “The answer is no. I’msitting right over there with my friends. And boyfriend.”