
“Can’twejust tell Zach that we planned this whole date for him and Laura? We’ll just ruin the fun for them anyway.”

On the Friday we were supposed to go out, Iwhined instead of getting dressed. Iwhined as Iwas sprawled naked on Thomas’sbed, our bed, with him lying next to me. He studied me while being perched to the side, his eyes soaked with compassion, drawing invisible paths on my arm.

Ensnared in his gaze, Iwrapped and released locks of his hair—smooth, wavy, and nearly blond strands in the soft glow of the late afternoon’ssun. The scent of his shampoo permeated on his lovely head despite the hard, laborious work he put into making love to me. Twice. In less than an hour.

He had infinite stamina, and after four orgasms Ifelt done for, on the verge of lulling myself to sleep.

“We can do whatever you like.” He interlaced our fingers and took mine, like he always did, to his lips. “But I, uh, how do Isay it? Ithink Zach might need awingman. At least at the beginning.”

“Ihate it when you’re right.” Ipouted, my desire to stay in bed with Thomas overcrowding my nature of being agood friend. “Besides, if Idon’tshow up, Laura won’tstay, not if it looks like adate. Not after the last crappy ones she had.”

“I’msorry she went through it.” Thomas traced afinger down my chest, swiping it lower to my belly button and causing my butterflies to bat their wings. “On the bright side, maybe the other guys bought Zach time, so he could find her. Like you and me.”

“You are the sweetest man, you really are.” Ikissed his cheek and went to the closet where most of my clothes hung, planning to choose something for our date. Over the past few days, I’dbeen planning asurprise for Thomas, to agree to settle my lease and move in with him like he asked many times before. Ihad no use of the safety blanket anymore.

While Iwas planning what to wear, the atmosphere in the room had changed. The hair that prickled on the back of my neck told me Thomas’seyes were probing me, almost as if he’dbeen behind my back, touching me with his hands.

“Um, Erin.”

“Hmm?” Iasked, sifting through the racks of clothes, ignoring the hot sensations from his glare.

“Maybe we should stay in, after all.”

The husky quality in his tone made his intention clear. Ikept moving clothes from one side to the other, without really seeing them. My restraint was hanging by athread, warring with myself against letting him seduce me into staying in bed.

“No, no. You made afantasticargument and like it or not, we are going.” Ididn’tsound very resolute, but Isaid it anyway. Icouldn’tdare to turn back and Ihunched to the lower drawer, searching for abra and pair of panties to match the white flowy dress Ieventually went for.

Having complete disregard for what Itold him, Thomas walked stealthily from the bed, and with his arm around my belly he hoisted me up, nibbling my neck as Ikicked my feet in the air.

“Let’scompromise then on being late instead of not showing up.”

He nibbled my neck, poked my back, and woke up aneed Ithought he’dsatiated, aneed that was combined with laughter so hard that tears streamed down my face. He gave me this amazing gift of out-of-control, bubbly feelings and Iloved and adored and fawned over him for it.

“Nope.” Iput my hand up to stop him. “You should’ve said yes the first time Iasked you to stay, instead of bombarding me with your reasoning.” Ichuckled and sprang off the bed. “Now up you go, we’re late enough as is.”

Iturned again when he didn’treply. “You can help me shower if you’dlike.”

And at that he was up.

Zach and Laura were already seated and in deep conversation instead of giving death glares in my direction. Not only that, but they talked while smiling at each other, Laura holding awineglass and casually flipping her hair to the back, flirting. Ihigh-fived myself, internally, of course.

“Hey, sorry we’re late,” Isaid when we reached them.

They both got up to hug us and Zach commented, “Don’tworry about it. Ienjoyed Laura’scompany plenty without the couple who can’tstop kissing in public, or anywhere else.”

She elbowed him as they sat back in their places. “Don’tbe an asshole.”

“Laura, you hurt my feelings.” He clutched his chest. “Ithought we had some pact going on here.”

“Only when it’snot directed at Erin.” She lowered her eyebrows, though it was visible she did everything she could not to laugh from his exaggerated theatrics.

Thomas and Iexchanged quick glances, communicating that we accomplished our mission without actually having to be here. They also meantwe could have stayed in bed.

“I’mgoing to get us drinks.” Thomas rose to his feet after afew minutes passed. “Refills? Laura? Zach?”