“Ican’timagine what.” His eyes sparkled with mischief as he leaned in for my lips.

Iscowled, or at least what Ithought was ascowl. “Hold on, you nut. Ineed to finish the sentence before you assault me with your hotness.”

“You know I’malways down to help you finish things.” He emphasized the wordfinishand cocked an eyebrow.

“And you will, later.” Ihid asmile. His playfulness shone alight on my world. Even without my direct intervention, he’dbeen making incredible progress, without mood swings.

“Iwant our friends to know each other better. Like better, better.” Iangled my head lower, giving him ameaningful look.

“I’ll be your partner in crime in this matchmaking game.” He took my hand and kissed my knuckles affectionately. “Ican see how they’ll be good for each other.”

“What? You never said anything.” Isnatched my hand from his and slapped his chest.

“It’snot some big revelation.” Thomas drew me atiny bit closer, pressing his length into my hips. “They laugh and it looks like they enjoy each other’scompany. And they’re both nice people. No reason why not.”

Thoughts of having alifetime of double dates swarmed through my head. “Yes, yes, Idefinitely agree.”

“Great, next Friday, matchmaking date, I’ll talk to Zach.” With his hand snaking down to my waist and roaming under my shirt, his eyes glinted when he said in the most solemn and sex-filled tone, “Now that it’ssettled, could Iplease rid you of these redundant clothes?”