The thick length of him probed my entrance, parting my folds, halting there.

Igroaned with frustration, lifting my hips to reach his, but my strength didn’tmatch the sheer power of him, of his palm when he fixed it firmly to the right side of my waist, pinning me to the floor.

“Tell me you want this. That you want me to fuck you.” He lowered himself and glided through my glistening lips up to my nub, applying the lightest of pressure that did nothing to appease the growing ache between my legs. “That you are mine just as every bit as Iam yours.”

Iswallowed hard, my voice betraying me, disappearing altogether as Ifaced the depths of his stare. My body responded for me, revealing my desperation as my chest arched to meet his. My blood thrummed so loud in my veins, the sound deafening in my ears.

He withdrew, lifting off me by an inch. “You’re going to have to say it.”

“Iwant you more than Iwant air,” Iwhispered. “You’re my life, my everything.”

Asmall, satisfied smirk twitched on his otherwise solemn features and then Thomas dug himself into me firmly, his cock stretching my walls, filling all of me at once.

Every cell in my body exploded with intense pleasure as he fucked me on that floor. Ifelt everything, the moonbeams streaming on my face, the rug scraping my back, and most of all Ifelt Thomas, claiming me with each and every thrust.

His tongue swirled around my breast, soft and sweet and in complete contrast with his hard, relentless pumps into me. Experiencing these two sensations at once was almost more than Icould handle, my hands grasping for him, to drag him closer.

He sensed my urgency and brought his lips to mine in aharsh, demanding kiss that made me entirely his. My eyes flew wide open, watching Thomas carry me through the waves of my orgasm when Icame for him, fucking me even harder and prolonging this for me.

“Ilove watching you come,” he said against my lips, holding my butt up off the floor with one muscular arm. “Do it again, my love, for me.” He swallowed my moans with his mouth.

His thrashes were callous, persistent in his attempt to guide me to another orgasm. His hair fell loosely around us, awaterfall of dark blond locks framing his stark features. The traces of the cologne he sprayed on this morning remained, heightening my arousal, penetrating all of my senses.

Thomas’stouch awakened me, the thrash of his body against mine, the friction against my breasts and clit building asecond orgasm in me. His cock hit that delicate spot inside, the one that longed to be itched, making my toes curl with every shove.

And when the knots around my center coiled, fiercely and with asearing pull, Icame again. My second release burned me even brighter, ascorching flash that had me gasping for air, that carried Thomas to his orgasm with me, his hot semen shooting inside, his guttural growl cutting through the night.

He pressed his forehead to mine as he slowed his breaths, caressing me with his lips and relaxing into me. When his heart rate returned to its even thud and his eyes lost the harshness that encapsulated them, he got up and carried me to bed. “I’mgoing to clean myself up.” He kissed my lips and tucked me under the covers, hesitating before he left. “But I’ll be back soon to hold you.”

“Mm-hmm.” Isnuggled deep into the blanket, my head sinking into the pillows.

Thomas returned sometime after, his arm slipping around me and his nose burying in my neck. His soft breaths caressed my skin, the slow rhythm bringing sleep with it.

My guilty conscious chewed me up and spat me out when Laura and Imet after not seeing each other since before spring break. She looked like she’dshed some weight and Ichided myself for not insisting on seeing her earlier. Between the numerous weddings she photographed and my trip to San Diego and my Thomas hours, we somehow missed each other. Not anymore.

“Erin.” She pulled me tight when Ireached the table she picked for us. It was just after noon and the café was brimming with people and sandwiches and, the obvious, coffee.

“Laura, Imissed you so much.” Isurveyed her, my friend seeming too small for her clothes. Ikept this opinion to myself, not wanting it to sound like Iwas passing judgment, and asked abenign question instead, “Are you okay?”

“It’snothing, really.” She pushed the steaming coffee mug she ordered for me in my direction. “Work, as usual. With the winter hibernation over…” She trailed off, then refocused her gaze on me. “But I’mgrateful. Very grateful.”

“Okay, Iget work.” Itilted my head, already planning to order her afew slices of cake. Slices of cake weren’tjudgmental, they were pure love. “That’sthe only thing?”

“Yup, I’mtaking on every possible wedding, even gunshot ones and Ithink, no, I’mpretty damn sure that I’ll be able to pay back my parents for the school tuition.”

She dropped her cheek on her hand and blew out air in exasperation. “Ah, the moment where Idon’towe them anything, Ican almost taste it.”

“I’mso proud of you, Laura.” Irubbed her shoulder, transferring my strength to her. She needed it more than Idid.

“Thanks.” She sat up, taking asip from her coffee. “Actually, it’snot from being overworked, it’sthe dates Igo on. They drain me. These men are either obnoxious or complain nonstop about my crazy hours.”

“If they don’tget you, they can go and shove it.” My nose scrunched. No one would think twice about aman working hours on end to build their business, yet somehow the same didn’tapply to women. She already knew that, and Iwanted to avoid riling her up and then I… “How did Inot think of this before?”

“Think about what?” Laura wasn’tapart of my internal monologue, so obviously my statement took her by surprise.

“What if there was aman who worked just as hard as you did, that was understanding, nice, funny, and gorgeous?”

She rolled her eyes and murmured, “The perfect man doesn’texist, Erin.”