“He does.” My smile widened, failing to curb my enthusiasm. “Zach, Zach exists!”

“Thomas’sZach?” Her brow furrowed, skepticism mingled with interest. “Did he say anything?”

Icrossed my fingers under the table. “Not to me, no. But why not?”

“If he didn’tsay anything to you, then to who?”

“Hmm, he might’ve asked when our next dinner is with the four of us.”

She twisted her fingers on the table. “That’snot really saying anything.”

“True, but it’snot-not saying anything.” Nothing could have wiped off the smile Ihad as Ifelt like Iwas about to close this sale.

“Okay, I’ll bite this not-not saying theory.” For abrief second, before she hid her excitement, her lips twitched. “What now? Do we do this dinner? How? When? Ugh, fuck, this feels like alot.”

Iloved how Laura said Iliked him without saying it, that Ididn’teven hear the Fword.

“You won’thave to do anything. Ican plan something for next Friday if you’re free. It would do Thomas good to be surrounded by friends. What do you say?”

She browsed through her phone, then put it back in her purse. “Ischeduled aday of editing for that day, so my evening is free.” She eyed me warily. “And what do you mean, Thomas needs his friends? Did something happen?”

She listened as Itold her about the Angelica session, how it rattled him and that even though he seemed shaken, Ialso thought it helped him reach some dark place and shine alight on it, for his sake more than anything.

When Ifinished, she squeezed my hand. “You did well. You trusted your instincts and he trusts you, that’samazing.”

“My instincts? More like your advice.” Isqueezed her right back with all the love Ihad for her. “If not for you Iwould’ve resigned to being acat lady. Or adog lady.”

“Why choose one when you can have both?” She chuckled. “Iknow Isaid it before, but Itotally approve of him. Ihaven’tseen you this happy in three years because of Greg.”

“There’sno comparison when it comes to Thomas’sbig heart and other large organs.” Islapped ahand to cover my mouth, shocked from my admission.

Laura looked just as shocked. “Fucking finally! Your sex life always sounded like such achore with the other asshole.”

My face heated and Ishushed her, turning my head to see no one had overheard her.

“Don’tshush me. You’re entitled to love and brag about your sex life. You of all people deserve to bask in this…largeness.” Adevilish smile appeared on her face and she winked, sending both of us into another fit of laughter.

Back in my apartment, Ibrought all that sexy energy with me while Iwaited for Thomas to finish his late evening class. Ihopped from bed as soon as Iheard the sound of the key turning in the door and covered the short distance from the bedroom, leaping right into his arms.

“You’re home.” Isnuggled into his chest, leaning my cheek against him and listening to his heartbeat.

“Imissed you, too.” He pressed his lips into my hair, inhaling me. “Did you have fun with Laura?”

Afew months into our relationship, and Istill couldn’tget over how he remembered every single detail of my life. His persistent approach allowed me to let go of my anxiety and self-deprecating beliefs on how my errands didn’tmatter. Everything Idid mattered and was worth remembering. And he didn’teven notice he did it.

“Ialways do. We figured we haven’tgone out together in awhile and Laura doesn’twork next Friday, so…”

“You don’tneed my approval to go out with her.” His voice took on aquizzical tone, while his mouth trailed down to my cheeks with confidence, attending to every part of me that was in their path. The nose nuzzles turned into small bites.

Itried to clarify, despite being distracted by tingling spikes of heat when he moved his hands down my waist to cup my behind. “Iknow, duh. Iwas talking about us.”

“You’re asking me to tag along on your girls’ night?” His lips bit me softly.

“No.” My breath hitched and Iinhaled sharply as he brought me flush against him, his erection greeting me. “My Laura-time is ours alone. When Isaid us, Imeant you, Laura, me, and Zach.”

“Why didn’tyou say anything then?” His lips parted in asmile against my neck and he squeezed my butt again.

Ignoring my squirms, Thomas let me go just enough so Icould see his face. “Something had my mind out of order.”