Jasper shook his head and got close to Antonio’s ear again. “Can you take the next monologue?”
Antonio still looked confused but nodded.
Jasper stepped sideways into the dark and slipped offstage. He’d never abandoned the group onstage before and hated to do it, but there was no way he was going to be able to concentrate or give his best to the show after seeing the look on Hollyn’s face. He hurried along the side wall in the shadows and toward the door, trying not to draw attention to himself, and exited the building.
The night air was still thick with humidity but had cooled. His skin felt too hot in comparison and his side still hurt. He looked down the sidewalk both ways and spotted Hollyn about two blocks down, walking with a quick stride.
“Hey!” He called out but she didn’t turn.
And what woman would on a city street at night.Hello, psycho.With one look back at the bar, he set off for his second jog of the night. Hopefully, she wouldn’t mace him.
Not that he didn’t deserve it.