Chapter Six

Hollyn’s feet ached from walking so swiftly.Thump, thump, thump.Her footfalls against the pavement matched her racing heartbeat. She didn’t know whether to cry or scream or punch something. She’d like to punchhim. How dare he? How dare Jasper make fun of her and her coworkers as some schtick to get laughs?

The sick feeling that had washed over her when she’d realized he was talking about her had made her go cold all over, dragging her back to a place in time she never wanted to revisit. Then the blond woman had started to mimic Hollyn’s facial tics, and anger had rushed in, replacing the sick feeling with rage. She’d spent all afternoon smiling over her texting with Jasper, and now she realized it was all bullshit. He hadn’t been flirting with her. He’d beengathering material.

She wanted to punch his handsome face. Or better, give his stupid show the most scathing review Miz Poppy had ever penned.


A man shouted from somewhere in the distance behind her. She didn’t turn around. She’d learned early on to ignore catcalls on the city street, especially at night. Eyes forward, hand on cell phone and purse. She’d parked her car farther away because she’d planned to make one more stop at a club down the street tonight, but now she couldn’t. She wouldn’t be able to concentrate enough to review anything else. She needed to get home or she’d end up marching back to that bar and throwing a drink on Jasper mid-performance. Her breaths were coming fast, and she realized she’d shifted into a near run—not the best choice in the heeled boots she was wearing.

“Hey, wait up!” The voice was closer. “Hollyn!”

Hollyn spun around at the sound of her name. Instead of some random drunk dude like she’d expected, Jasper was jogging toward her, his skin slick with sweat. Relief flooded his face when he realized she’d stopped walking. He adjusted his glasses, which looked ready to slide off his nose. “Thank God. Please. Stop. Just. Give. Me. A second.”

Hollyn’s grip tightened on her purse, and her teeth ground together as Jasper halted in front of her and braced his hands on his knees, panting, his face flushed. The guy looked too fit to be that winded, but maybe he was just one of those annoying people who looked athletic without having to work out.

“I have nothing to say to you,” she said coldly and turned to continue walking to her car.

“No please,” Jasper said. A hand landed lightly on her shoulder. “Please. I’m sorry. I—”

She whirled around, shrugging off his touch. “You’resorry?” she demanded, her voice louder than she’d expected, the unfamiliar volume foreign in her throat. “How could you do that? What the hell is wrong with you?”

Jasper blanched and lifted his palms to her. “I’msosorry, Hollyn. I was just joking. I didn’t mean anything—”

“By what?” she asked. “By making fun of my face? Fuck you.”

He frowned and pressed a hand to his side like he was in pain. “Your face? I wasn’t making fun of your face. I like your face.” He winced and gasped a little. “I was making fun ofme. How much I obviously annoyed you that first day, or how I must’ve smelled. You kept wrinkling your nose. I didn’t mean—”

Hollyn pointed at her face. “I have Tourette’s, you asshole. It was flaring up that day.”

Youmake it flare up.

His lips parted, and he went a greenish shade of pale. “Oh shit. I didn’t mean—”

“Whatever.” She turned again, needing to be done with this. With him.

He hurried to the spot in front of her, still hunched over, but blocking her path. He put his hand up again, a mournful expression on his face. “Please. I really am sorry. I would’ve never—”

“Made fun of a neurological disorder? But making fun of the people you work with is fair game?” She crossed her arms. “Andi is a supernice person. She doesn’t love serial killers. She hosts a podcast that tries to help peopleprotectthemselves from crime.”

He cringed. “I know. I know. It was a dick move. Sometimes I talk before I think. A lot of times I talk before I think. I didn’t mean any harm by it.”

“Your show is crap.” She stepped past him. “Don’t talk to me at work.”

“Hey, please—” He huffed in frustration. “Dammit, Hollyn.”

She wasn’t going to turn around again. She dodged a couple walking hand in hand.

“Shit.Ow.” Jasper let out a sharp hiss and a string of cursing.

Not. Turning. Around. Keep walking.

Another sound of pain and then a thump. “Fuck.”

Hollyn couldn’t help it. She turned.

Jasper was on his knees, one hand braced on the sidewalk and another pressed to his right side. His face was beet red now and contorted in pain.