Three weeks later, I moved all the crap from my cubicle to my very own office, where the paper’s new receptionist dropped off the Chinese food I’d ordered for lunch. The sign hanging on the door said Saffi Bartlett nice and big.

“I really appreciate your running out for us,” I told the new girl. “I used to get the Chinese food myself, and it got really old after awhile.”

The receptionist smiled shyly. “My pleasure, Saffi. I can’t complain. I’m just so happy to be here at the paper. Maybe we could have coffee sometime and you could tell me about how you moved up through the ranks?”

“I’d love that. Let’s do it.”

Wait till she heard my story. Or didn’t.

At that afternoon’s staff meeting, Ed was at the head of the conference room, like usual. When everyone finally filed in, his hands went up to quiet the room. “We have a lot to go over today, gang. But what I think is most exciting is that Saffi’s story about Club Silk has been nominated for the Investigative Reporting Annual Award.”

I looked around the room. Everyone was staring back at me.

Wait. What did he just say?

My coworkers were clapping and cheering.

I guess I’d heard him right.

I clutched my hand to my chest. “Oh my gosh. Thank you, guys. Thank you, Ed.”

“Well, you deserve it, Saffi. You were courageous and did a great job.”

Even Tom, with an eye on the cute receptionist, seemed happy for me.

Another thing to talk to her about over lunch…

The office hadn’t been my only move. I arrived home that night and threw my keys on the penthouse’s kitchen counter. I still had some boxes to unpack from my dad’s house, but was getting settled in nicely.

“Varden?” I called.

“In here, babe.”

I followed his voice to find him in the den. He was throwing items in a large green garbage bag.

“Whatcha doin’?”

He held up his mask from Club Silk. “Thinking it’s time to say goodbye to this baby.” He tossed it in the garbage bag.

“Wait! You could always save it, put it on a shelf or something.”

He considered it for a moment. “You know, I don’t want it. I’m not hiding anymore.”

“Are you sure?”

He placed his hands on either side of my face. “Hiding is my past. Loving you is my future.” He planted his mouth on mine for a knee-wobbling, breathtaking kiss.

That all-too-familiar throb between my legs began to make itself known. There’d been a lot of that since I’d moved into the penthouse.

“And Beau is okay with everything?”

“He’s more than okay. He’s thrilled. He thinks the world of you. And he seems to like his new place. I think he’s really turned things around.”

Tears sprung to my eyes.

“How did I get lucky enough to fall into the Gallagher family?”

He smiled. “How did I get lucky enough to fall into the Bartlett family?”