“Man, you should see where Beau and I grew up.”


“Yeah. Just a little different from this place.” I pictured the shitty little trailer Beau and I had called home. I was also quite sure Saffi hadn’t worried about being smacked around by drunks during her childhood. I had a lot to share with her…

“Dad?” she called.

“Hi, sweetie. In here.” Hugh’s voice rang from the other side of the house.

We walked into a darkly paneled study with comfortable, crackled, broken-in leather furniture. The room smelled of cognac and a slight mustiness, most likely from the hundreds of books lining the walls.

“Varden,” Hugh said with surprise when he saw me follow Saffi in.

“Hugh. How are you?” I crossed the room to shake hands.

He stood and automatically extended his hand, but the look on his face was confused. “I didn’t expect to see you two here. Together. What a surprise.” He looked back and forth between us.

Damn, he was diplomatic. No wonder he was a top attorney.

“Dad, I want to explain—”

But I interrupted. “No, Saffi. Let me explain, please. Mind if we sit, Hugh??

?? I gestured to the chairs opposite the desk. I had to speak fast. I knew how she felt about being spoken for.

“Please. Be my guests.”

Saffi looked at me with wide eyes.

We sat, and I cleared my throat.

“Hugh, Saffi and I have seen each other socially a few times, and have decided to start dating.” I reached for Saffi’s hand. “I hope that’s okay with you, and I hope it doesn’t burden our working relationship.”

Hugh rubbed his chin and tilted his head back to look at the ceiling. Shit, maybe this wouldn’t go as well as I’d hoped.

But he took a deep breath. “Were you at Varden’s last night?” he asked Saffi.

She looked directly back at him. “Yes, Dad. I stayed over his place.” God, she was gutsy.

He looked over at me.

“Varden, you know Saffi’s my precious girl.” He looked down at his hands. “I’ve always dreamt that she’d find the kind of happiness her mother and I had. Now, I know you guys say you are just starting to date. But if I could choose an upstanding man for my daughter”—he looked back up—“I would choose you.” He broke into a huge smile.

Saffi and I looked at each other in disbelief. My beautiful girl was beaming.

“Saffi,” Hugh said, motioning toward me, “this man is one of the most ethical and upstanding clients I’ve ever had. I completely trust him.”

Holy shit. I’d hoped he thought well of me, but I hadn’t expected praise like that. My own eyes welled up at the kindest thing anyone had ever said about me.

Saffi jumped up from her chair, kissed my cheek, and and ran to hug her father. “Thank you for trusting us, Dad. I was concerned there might be some…difficulty.”

“You’re a grown woman. You can do what you want. But I am honored you both came to me.”

I stood and extended my hand again. “Hugh,” I said, my voice cracking. “I appreciate the vote of confidence.” I looked at Saffi with a hungry smile. “We both appreciate it.”

Chapter 39
