Page 34 of The Beta: Part One

She’s happy as a lark walking throughout the house planning where she’s going to stow her weapons. I watch her finishing up the small preparations all day, and I have to say, it’s really nice to know someone will be watching out for us and helping to make sure Jasper has all the things he’ll need. We all do well enough, but we don’t have food prepped in the freezer or special tea waiting for him.

She’s even gone to the trouble of getting things for us, too. Devon thanked her, in a very awkward way, but he still did it. None of us knew to expect this much support and help from her. I’m starting to be really glad to have a beta with us.

Jasper is winding up, he will likely go into heat in the next day or so, probably tonight. He went down to check on the laundry situation, but Talia sent me a text to come down to her room because he was asking her for another round and she didn’t want to oblige him without clearance.

It really should bother me, he’s my omega, but it doesn’t. In fact, I would almost encourage him to fuck her if I didn’t think Devon or Kaleb would be upset by it. I’d love to watch them, though, and I hope I eventually get the chance.

Nathan and I are doing one final perimeter check when Devon calls him. He answers on speaker, “Hey, it’s not great timing, but Alpha Bennet just called. He’s asking us to come look at some security footage he caught from his building. He thinks it might be related to the abductions.”

Yeah, it’s horrible timing. “Devon,” I say, “Can’t he just send the file to us? It’s a shit idea for us to go.”

I hear him sigh, “No, I asked. He says it won’t send from the server. He’s had trouble sending us files from that server before. If the four of us go it won’t take as long, especially if Nathan gets it rolling. Talia will be here, and we’ll rush. We’ll be gone an hour, maybe two.”

I don’t like it. Neither does Nathan. “Jasper’s going to blow any time, Devon.”

Nathan says, “What if he goes while we’re gone? He might be okay for twenty minutes without us, but after that he’ll start losing it.”

Devon sighs again, “He should hold off till tonight, based on how he’s feeling. Talia will be here and she can distract him until we get back if he does go while we’re gone. I don’t like it, but if there’s anything on that footage we need to start processing it now, we might not have time between the end of Jasper’s heat and the auction.”

Now we all sigh, “Alright, we’ll be right there. Let’s hurry, though. I don’t like leaving him this close to time.”

Nathan and I jog back to the house from the fence line. Devon and Kaleb are giving Talia last minute instructions from inside the SUV when we get there. “Distract him, he likes his hair brushed. He likes bubble baths, but don’t use the lavender kind, it tastes weird. Cookies are good.”

Devon sounds like he’s leaving his baby with a sitter.

“I’ll take care of him. I know you have to go get this done, I know it’s important, but please hurry. I can feel it building and he’ll need you way more than I’ll be able to distract him from,” Talia says and then sends us off, telling us again to hurry.

The footage is good. It’s got clear shots of the vehicles and tags, and if we can run it through some programs we might be able to use it to identify some of the assholes. Alpha Bennet has doubled the security in his building and he’s making anyone who enters or leaves his property check in through a gate. That’s what’s taking us so long to get back, one security team and one gate and a long line of cars. Devon is so antsy he’s fidgeting. We tried putting on some music, but we turned it off because it was grating instead of soothing. I’m trying to be productive, clearing out emails on my phone, when texts start rolling in from Talia:

How much longer will you be gone?

Something’s not right, he’s too hot.

I think it’s happening now.

Hurry. Fuck. He’s too hot.

Tell me what to do. Nothing is working.

He says it hurts too much.

What do I do?