He had a strong nose, slightly crooked, and a small side dimple whenever he smiled. I didn’t often get to see him smile, which was a shame, because he was beautiful when he did.
I grabbed the notebook at my side.
I lifted it above me and wrote on a brand-new page.
Why do you look so tired today?
Honestly, I didn’t know why I asked him. I didn’t even think he would answer truthfully, but he surprised me when he said, “It’s been a long day. The shipment company I run with Damien and Nikolay ran into some trouble.”
His eyes were soft when he ran a single finger down the side of my face. I resisted the urge to get closer to his touch.
“Yes, trouble. Someone is causing trouble, and it’s not going to be good for them when we find out who.”
I shivered from the dark note in his voice.
“Nothing for you to worry about,kotyonok.”
I nodded, reassured. I didn’t know when I started to trust him, but I did. I trusted him more than the other two.
He let out a small sigh. “Why don’t we do something mindless?”
Mindless? Like …
I flushed at the thought and Mikhail laughed. “I was thinking more along the lines of watching a movie, but if you’d rather …”
I shook my head quickly, eliciting another laugh from him, and the little side dimple that turned me stupid from the sight alone.
Mikhail sat up and slid until his back touched the headboard. He patted the space between his legs. “Come sit with me,kotyonok, and I’ll let you pick out a movie. We can dothatlater.”
I licked my dry lips.We could do that later…
I didn’t want to do anything likethatwith him, did I?
I didn’t. But somehow, the thought felt like the biggest lie I had ever told myself. I felt hot in this room. The sweats I had on seemed to cling to me in the most uncomfortable way possible, and I didn’t know what I was doing with myself.
He patted the space once more, his eyes holding all the patience in the world. How surprising. He’d told me he wasn’t a patient man.
I didn’t exactly hesitate when I moved over, though I didn’t rush either. I didn’t want him to think I was eager.
I was not eager.
I was not.
I settled myself between his powerful legs. He was wearing dark jeans today, with a white T-shirt that brought out the olive tone of his skin.
I rested against his chest, and Mikhail wrapped his arms around my middle, holding me to him. He grabbed the tablet.
“What do you feel like watching? Horror?”
I shook my head. My life had enough horror in it as it was. Mikhail shot me a thoughtful look. I pretended not to notice and looked back at the screen as he scrolled the movie selection once more.
Again, I shook my head. I had no romance in my life, so to speak. Why would I want to watch other people fall in love?