Present Day
I walkedinto the dimly lit room where Mikhail and Nikolay were already in. Mikhail stood in the dark corner, as silent as ever, while Nikolay took front and center, the fucking attention whore that he was.
My lips curved up in a small smirk as I watched Nikolay, one of the two men I was closer to than anyone living or dead in this goddamn world, preen in front of our captive. Nikolay was almost getting off from the fear he was able to evoke without even speaking a word.
“Now, you’re going to tell me what I need to know,” Nikolay said softly, as if he was speaking to a beloved child and not a man he wasdyingto slice into.
The man let out a pathetic whimper and I rolled my eyes at the sight, though I didn’t make my presence known.
They could handle this one small, insignificant man. I was just enjoying the show.
I grinned when a flash of silver caught my eyes. Mikhail had pulled out his knife and was throwing it up casually like a baseball, catching the handle each time.
The man noticeably blanched and he tried to move back, but the chair got in the way. There wasn’t any way for him to escape his binds. Nikolay wasn’t the kind to slack off when it came to things like this, and I knew the fucker had a proclivity for bondage.
“P-please. I don’t know anything. I swear.”
“Of course you do. You just need some help remembering, don’t you?” Nikolay asked, shooting a smile at Mikhail. The other man shook his head, looking bored, though the glimmer in his eyes gave him away.
Like me, he was enjoying the show.
Nikolay walked up to our latest victim, bracing his hands on both armrests, leaning in.
“Didn’t I hear you bragging about walking into the bedroom while the girl was sleeping? Did you do more than watch? Did you touch what didn’t belong to you? Did you taint her with your filthy hands? Huh? Did you ruin my newest toy?”
The man shook his head, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. Nikolay, the caring man that he was, took a piece of cloth that had been hanging from his front pocket and gently wiped the other man’s mouth.
I didn’t even want to know what he had been doing with that cloth before or why he felt the need to stuff it in his pocket after.
“S-she … she’s not claimed.”
Nikolay’s eyes hardened. What a stupid thing to say to a man as possessive as Nikolay. Little Catalina was claimed since the moment she made herself known to us, whether or not she, or the world, knew it.
The man’s scream suddenly filled the small room, and it took me a moment to realize Nikolay had pushed his finger into the man’s bullet wound. He pulled it out, his fingers slicked with blood, and he smiled.
When he raised his arms, the man flinched back, but Nikolay only petted his head. Leaning down, he kissed the man’s forehead, looking over at me and winking.
Weird fucker.
I knew he was aware of my presence the second I stepped foot in the room.
“Now, have you recovered from the memory loss?” Nikolay asked.
“Y-yes,” the man cried out.
Nikolay nodded, satisfied. “I want the location.”
The man’s head drooped, his tears mixing with fresh blood. He knew he was a dead man once he told us what we needed to know.
He was a dead man either way, but how he went was completely up to him.
After the man stuttered out the location, Nikolay moved away, nodding his head at Mikhail.
I leaned against the door while Mikhail got to work, feigning boredom just as Nikolay made his way over to me.
The man’s scream was like a sweet symphony in the background of all the dark thoughts swirling in my brain.
My eyes met Nikolay’s dark green eyes. One monster looking at another one.
“It’s time,” he said.
I nodded. It was time to get our Mute Princess.