Page 2 of Born in Depravity


I closedmy eyes as the doctor moved his fingers inside me.

Father stood in the corner of the room and I pretended he wasn’t here, that he wasn’t witnessing such an intimate, vulnerable moment for me.

This was routine.

I would come to Dr. Russo for a checkup every three months with my father, and every time, he would be in the examination room with me to make sure Dr. Russo was doing his job.

Dr. Russo had been my doctor since I was a little girl.

He was somewhere in his mid-forties or early fifties, with a full head of thick brown hair and dark brown eyes. He was somewhat fit and, I supposed, to some he would be considered handsome.

He just creeped me out most of the time.

And he always did what my father asked of him.

I always thought he was a made man. Or at the very least, that he played a vital role in my father’s organized crime establishment.

I ground my teeth together when Dr. Russo went in a little too deep. I looked at him to see his eyes glinting with something I didn’t like very much.

He caught my eyes and smiled, just before he winked and moved his fingers out, then back in again.

I worked hard not to show my disgust.

That was what he wanted.

A reaction.

“Well?” Father asked impatiently.


Father grunted, and I knew what it meant. I had pleased him for still having my hymen intact.

“At least you’re better than your whore of a mother.”

I looked away from him. Thirteen years since he’dkilledmy mom, and it still hurt when he brought her up.

“Get dressed,” he ordered before he walked out of the room.

At least I was allowed some privacy. I made a move to get off the examination table when I realized I wasn’t as alone as I thought. Dr. Russo was still in here.

I waited for him to say why he was still here, but all he did was look at me.

Then he tsked, the sound loud and abrasive in the silent room. “Such a shame. I could have made you so happy,cara.”

I frowned at the cryptic words just as he moved over to me. I froze in my seat when he moved his hand over my head, playing with my hair.

“So fucking beautiful. Just like your mother. It’s too bad about your little defect.”

My little defect.

He meant my silence.

“Although,” he said softly, cupping my cheek. I flinched, but he only followed me with his hand. His thumb moved across my bottom lip and I froze in fear. “It might not be such a bad thing. Some women just talk too much, isn’t that right?”

He moved his thumb between my lips.