* * *
I openedmy eyes to the bright morning sun.
Right away, I knew I was in bed alone.
I couldn’t help but feel bereft somehow, especially with everything I had done with Damien.
But he wasn’t here.
I looked around the room.
It was still the same room I had been locked in for—
I didn’t know how many days it had been. I had long ago stopped keeping track.
The room was still the same.
I wasn’t.
I climbed out of bed and quickly dressed, putting on Damien’s clothes, feeling my muscles aching with every little movement. I tried to find any regret I might have over all that I had done, especially in the morning light, but I felt nothing.
My future was still so uncertain, but right now, I didn’t care.
I didn’t care because of my captors.
There was something messed up about it, but I couldn’t help the way I felt. Perhaps it was my mind’s way of protecting me.
Because feeling …affectionatefor my captors was better than feeling hatred or fear for them. I lay back down on the bed, pulling the blanket up to my chest, and looked up at the ceiling.
A knock came at the door.
I knew right away it wasn’t either one of my captors, because they never knocked.
Sure enough, the door opened and the woman who usually brought me my meal came in, a tray of breakfast in her hands.
She regarded me with a look in her eyes that I didn’t really understand, but it made me blush for some reason. I looked away just as she placed the tray beside me on the bed.
Before I could write a simple “thank you” in my notebook, she was already heading out without looking back, though I thought I caught something in her eyes that looked like pity. I couldn’t be sure.
I pulled the tray toward me and picked at my food.
I was sure a man like Damien had something important to do. I had only wished he’d stayed until I woke, because I was feeling vulnerable after all that we had done, and I didn’t like it one bit.
I pushed the tray away when I was about halfway done, knowing I wouldn’t be able to finish it. Not when my stomach felt like it was tangled in knots. I grabbed my eReader from the nightstand and was about to turn it on when the door unlocked.
My heart stalled a bit and I looked toward it, trying hard not to appear too eager.
Mikhail came in, his blue eyes light today.
“Hey,kotyonok. Did you miss me?”
I bit my lip to keep from smiling too widely. It wouldn’t do me any good to show them how badly they had gotten to me, but I couldn’t lie. I didn’twantto lie to him.
I nodded shyly, earning the pleased look in his eyes.
Mikhail looked at my half-eaten breakfast, frowning a bit, though he didn’t say anything.
He placed it on the floor and took a seat on the bed.