It has only been a few days since mine and Declan’s first date and I cannot stop thinking about it or him or the earth-shattering kiss…. and well those texts. Not once in the whole time being with Jake did he ever speak like that to me. I have tried many times to get myself off like I had the other night or at all before and with him saying how much he wanted me, how much he wanted to do to my body, I was a goner. All I needed to think about was his hands touching all my curves, feeling his soft lips kissing, creasing my body like he was starving, and staring into those blue ocean-like eyes. I cannot stop from daydreaming about it all and here I am at work thinking about this beautiful man. Thinking about it is making me wet…. god I need to have this man.
“Earth to Evie. Are you simply going to sit there and stare off into space or are you going to like work? And let me guess you are thinking of a certain sexy firefighter right now?” Sophia nudges me with her shoulder. I had to shake myself mentally and at least try to focus.
“Uh yeah, sorry. I did not sleep well last night, I guess. And not enough coffee either. Yes, Miss Nosey Pants I am. He wants to take me to a Bruins game on Saturday. I am working until three this afternoon,” I told Sophia and Grace about my date, and I left out the text messages out.
There are some things you want to keep to yourself, which ultimately is this. I know once she knows this information, she will be all over me like a horny teenager…. Hard pass.
“Ha yeah, okay. I mean, I would be too daydreaming of God of all men. Jesus, how on earth is he so sexy? I bet he is PACKING too! He is D-E-L-C-I-O-U-S with a capital D!” She laughs. I shake my head and agree with her.
Declan and I finally got our schedules lined up since our first date. It is a little difficult where both of us have crazy hours, so far, we have made it work and we have been texting each other none stop. Tonight, he mentioned he is taking me to a Bruins game. He was stunned when I told him on how I have never been to one before seeing that I am from ‘New England’. The game was starting at seven thirty at the Garden and we both agreed to meet up around five in the evening so we could get something to eat before heading to the game.
I was excited to go to a live hockey game because back home, it was something we would do with my dad. We were little shits and yelling at the visiting team and cheering when a fight would break out. I certainly can be the loudest with the trash talk to the opposing team and I would sometimes embarrass my dad, it always made for a great story. I seriously hope tonight I can keep myself in check around Declan because the last thing I need him to see is me acting crazy on our second date. I mean it’s hockey… he would get it, right?
“Number Thirty-Four, you call that a snapshot? My eight-year-old nephew can hit a better snapshot than you! Go back to the peewee team!” I yell to the opposing team.
Well, it did not take me long to show my crazy trash talking to the Rangers, the opposing team, and Declan. However, I imagined it would embarrass him by watching me screaming at the other team. Nope. He joined right in with me, harassing the other team and screaming at the refs. Man, Boston fans are no joke! They can be overly territorial regarding their players and, boy, they will let you know, oh they will tell you colorfully. As halftime rolls around, Declan asks if I would like another beer and I decline because I am a lightweight and I do not want to end not remembering this.
“Girl, you are something else, you know?” Declan asks me.
“What do you mean? Is it because I told the other team on how my eighty-seven-year-old grandma could move faster than their goalie with her walker? Shit, you would think they would keep their toddlers at home…” I deadpan to Declan.
A deep throat of laughter rises from his throat. “Yep! I have never met a female who likes to trash talk at a sporting event. I am blown away.”
Turning and staring up at him, I blush. “I like hockey. Back home, it was our thing with my dad and siblings. It was what we did to the other team. I was the worst of the bunch because I would get right up to the glass and get into it. Sometimes I would bang on the glass too. God, my poor dad sometimes.”
Outside after the game, Declan leans over and cups my face with his right hand and kisses me softly while caressing my cheek with his thumb. I melt right into his touch, and I get the buzzing feeling which has been happening anytime I am around him. The kiss turns deeper, and I could not give a fuck if we are in public in the parking lot at a Bruins game. Moaning into his kiss, pulling him closer as he moves from my lips trailing his lips to my neck licking and bitting. I want this man with every fiber in my body. Feeling his hot breath, he whispers in my ear, “Baby, I cannot stop thinking about you touching yourself the other night. This is what you do to me, baby. I want you to feel how hard you make me when I am around you and when I am near you Evie.” RIP to my panties as he reminds me of the other night. Taking my hand guiding it down his firm torso, feeling the coldness of his belt buckle, he places my hand in front of his jeans. Sweet Caroline is this man thick and big. I give his hardened shaft a squeeze making Declan growl.
Right when I am about to unzip his pants, his phone is vibrating uncontrollably in his pocket. He ignores it until the fifth time it rings, letting out a sea of threating curses, he answers. “This better be fucking important Ty,” Declan answers with annoyance to Tyler. I try to pull away to give him privacy while he is talking to Tyler, Declan holds me close to him with a firm grip on my waist. Declan seems tense to what Tyler is telling him over the phone. It must not be good.
Sighing heavily, Declan responds to Tyler, “Fuck. Fine, yeah, I will be right there. I am going to have Crowley’s ass tomorrow. This is fucking bullshit and you know it, Ty,” Declan tells Tyler in a growly tone ending the call.
Blowing out a deep breathe, Declan turns to me still with his arms around me tightly, “I am sorry baby, some dipshit at work decided today was the perfect time to pick a fight with third crew tonight. I hate to go and handle this situation. I am sorry Evie.”
Trying to not over analyze what Declan has just said, however it is bringing back memories of Jake always putting his job first and me second. I understand Declan is the lieutenant of his house, as I am sure Tyler could have called someone else rather than Declan who is off.
Peering up at him, I smile and say, “Yeah, no problem. We will get together another night, I am sure.”
“Yes, there will certainly be another night as tonight was rudely interrupted,” Declan tells me in a raspy voice tilting my head up as he kisses me softly.
Is this what it feels like to be with someone who wants to touch you and be near you? If so, then I do not want it to stop. Will he be like Jake always putting his job before me? Can I go through this again?
* * *
The next week drags on and the weather is getting chillier in the city. Fall is here alright, and I am not sad about it since it is my favorite season, it just means my sister Elise’s wedding is coming up soon. The bachelorette party is going to down here in Boston since, according to my sister, ‘there is more action in the big city’ which she is right. It was a little difficult to plan around everyone’s schedules, mostly mine, since mine is a cluster fuck. The party is a little over two weeks away and two weeks after is the big day.
God, I cannot believe Elise is getting married, and we all believed she would be last or never get married. When she met Luke, the whole family knew how enamored she was with him, and we certainly did not witness her liking or committing to anyone before, since she would mention she was not interested in ever settling down. Since then, Luke has been part of our family and we could not be happier with them. I hope maybe someday I will get to experience what she has with Luke. I guess time will only tell.
* * *
During my lunch break, my sister calls me to talk about more wedding stuff. I love her dearly; it is the last thing I want to talk about right now. “Hey there, bride-to-be. What’s up?” I ask her in a chipper tone, even though I am dead tired, as this has been one of the longest weeks at work.
“Sup homie! And do not worry, I am not calling to talk wedding crap. Honestly want to hear what’s going on with my baby sister and this hot new man of hers…” I can tell she is grinning behind the phone.
I chuckle, “Oh yeah, I am good. Work has been crazy. I have been picking up some shifts here and there since I am taking time off for THE EVENT OF YOUR WEDDING! And yes, Declan is great. I mean, more than great Elise. He seriously is wooing me over. I said after the shit show of douche face Jake, I would not want to date for a long time, he came out of nowhere. Plus, he is so damn sexy.” Blushing.
“Hell yeah, fuck Jake and his small dick man!” Elise chants, before continuing, “You know Evie. It was horrible how you found out. Thank god you did not marry him! We all saw over the years of how he treated you like shit. I am now so happy you are happy. You just need to let everything happen organically. Umm yeah…. I want to meet this man,” Elise says to me.
“Well, in time, big sis. In time. Right now, we are simply enjoying each other,” I smile big.
She giggles before saying, “You want his big dick energy baby sis! I bet he is packing babes. GET IT! Live your best life. And hey who knows, he might be your person.”
“Well, big sis of mine, we shall see. Alright, I am due back to work. Talk to you later. Love you and tell our niece and nephew their FAVORITE AUNT loves them the most.” I chuckle and hang up before she can argue with me.
Maybe Elise is right on Declan, gosh, it has only been a few weeks with meeting him and the dates. She is right on the money, how much I want this man and the things I want him to do to my body.